Gold farming tips for noobs

Content is pretty much done for me until 9.2. Aotc, ksm, a few alts, some mythic bosses … have the mounts I want, time for something new.

Thinking of going into gold farming. Never used tsm before my old laptop seemed to have issues as it really slowed the game down but have a new cpu now.

Any tips for gold makers and farmers starting out? I like the idea of being a gold goblin heck now that I’m horde why not be a goblin lol

You make gold by selling boosts or buying tokens

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To be fair its pretty ez to make gold with an army of alts.
Its just go to the misison table once a day and do as many callings as you can.
5 chars and i have around 400k a month barely playing


u can do 2 WOW token get same thig

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That’s pretty good, I only have one alt 60 and one 50 though rip

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youll need more alts. for me, in BfA atleast, i cant stomach to do it in SL, army of alts and doing WQ’s and the emissaries for gold. along with that give the alts gathering professions and just gather as you do the WQ’s and AH them. fixate on the gold WQ’s when you can.

its not the fastest or takes the least amount of effort, but its a pretty steady stream of gold. when the 2k gold emissary came up, id make 42k gold right there alone, not counting gold from the WQ itself, looting or vendoring.

also, old raids. run em on all characters you can. vendor everything plus the gold drops, some greens can go for decent amounts if the transmog is cool, and you get your own transmog pieces.

again this isnt a sit around and do nothing way, but it can be fun and gives you something to do.

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i have been back 1 month in the game, playing 1 toon on retail and have over 400k just by questing/vendor trash…gold is not a huge issue on retail unless you are a mythic raider (from what i have heard, not experienced) been playing tbc for a couple of weeks and only up to 106g lol

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I personally suggest making a Druid. Gilneas is pretty good due to sipzapzoom skinning and I think… Tauren might have the herbalism boost.

Just doing this for a little bit can net you a decent chunk of change. Outside of, you know - Korthia dailies and weekly.

I think someone suggested running a old Pandaren Raid just for the raw gold value. They didn’t kill any boss so they were pretty much farming raw gold and whatever materials showed up. Motes of Harmony do sell decently.

I don’t agree or disagree with the whole “selling boosts” thing outside of the game where you spend, moneymoneymoneymoneymoneyyyy.

Though, I am not sure what the difference is between “boosting” and “coaching”. Been seeing both in Rated PvP group finder.

If you know about my last para, let me know and explain it to me.

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you could very easily reroll a toon, just do mining/herbs… 1-50 levels can be done in 3 hours (mob grind) and a day or 2 by questing…you should end up with around 10k (from quests) by the time you hit 50 plus have tons of mats to sell. easy to just delete the toon at 60 and start over too hehe

Just do your WQs for the factions each day for your junk to sell for around 2k a day. depending on your servers economy. you can skin/herb that can net you quite a bit of profit. or just army of alt farm tables.

i made about 800k so far and i just came back for the holidays/MT

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That’s because gold in Vanilla and BC was very hard to come by. Vanilla more so but yeah.

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yeah i played van/bc back then…im talking about this ‘classic’ bs version of tbc…2 weeks and up to 102g is a ton hahaha i remember it taking much longer to earn gold =P

not needed at all
Just the callings

i still dont have my epic mount in TBCC, but im closing in, Orgrilla, skyguard, cooking and fishing daily is about 120ish gold per day. i also do the spirit towers and BG Daily too.

yeah i was talking about what i did in BfA, since i cant stomach SL. i still probably should have changed it to callings, but still the same thing basically.

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Yeah I should really do my callings more frequently at least on my alt and main now

Try being a Gold Vulpera! We are just furry goblins.

Anywho, easiest way to do it is go double gatherer (mining & herbalism) and pickup every node you come across while doing your callings.

Also, while the gold from running old raids has been nerfed they are still a great way to make gold and you’ll get an occasional boe that will sell for a nice chunk of change. And you will probably get some sweet mounts to drop and finish some tmog sets at the same time!

Once you have a fat stack you can begin AH flipping but you’ve gotta be careful with that because if you buy something nobody wants you’re stuck with it until it sells.

What is your main reason for wanting lots of gold?

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Pick and sell herbs. I can’t imagine anything else is really worthwhile atm. That’s the game answer.

Real answer. If it would take you say 10 hours to farm a tokens worth of gold and only 1 hour to make the money to buy a token at work…then respect your time and just buy a token when you need gold.

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I do really well selling 32 slot bags on both Horde and Alliance. The Shrouded Cloth and enchanting mats I get as secondary drops from farming cloth also sells pretty well. 30 slot bags from Shrouded Cloth often sell at or even below the price of thread so don’t bother making those. Just make Lightless Silk bags and sell the Shrouded cloth. I farm it from non-elite Forsworn around Bastion (Aspirants, Stewards, Researchers, Forgehands, etc). The mechanical mobs you clear a path through will give you about 500g in vendor trash per hour or so. I primarily use a destro Warlock with tailoring for the extra drop chance. You’ll want it’s instant kill ability on some mobs like Stewards that despawn fast, but drop lots of cloth. Mage and Druid do ok, but for the aforementioned usually require a macro and some knowledge of their despawn mechanics.

The other way I’ve done really well is skinning by going to Korthia on days where quests to kill a lot of Grommits or bears is up. I cannot skin fast enough to keep up and have collected over 5000g worth of leather in about an hour on good days. On other days some world quest areas yield a lot of skinning opportunities. Two in particular I do well with is right under Hero’s Rest in Bastion where there’s a quest to kill 15 skinnable Etherwyrms, and the wildlife culling quest near Pridefall Hamlet in Revendreth.

Always have the conduits that award you occasional bonus mats when you kill mobs. They really add up over a farming session.

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Bored of end game so something new to do

That’s why I started to do it years ago, also to fund the guild repairs for the startup PvP guild I founded.

Glad that I did because with the habits I made making gold in-game it got me into some good financial habits IRL which have helped me build wealth in both areas!

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