Going to have to reverse transfers

Blizzard still has the control, unlike the players. They could have put a faction restriction until the Aliiance population reached a certain percent, that would have pushed those potential new horde players onto other PvP servers that may have needed horde. Blizzard had some options but chose to do zero about any of it.

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And the opposite is true of my server where Alliance is dwindling. I would firstly blame Blizzard for the way servers shook out, we’ve been left to our own devices to figure out what’s best.

I explained to someone else above that I made the decision to move for my guild as a whole. It just so happened that Heartseeker could have been better for those of us with limited time to play. I’m sorry it’s the opposite for your faction. Without any real help or guidance fro Blizzard, what options did we have?


how do you explainthat to potentially millions of paying players withou tcreating a massive mess that they cannot roll whatever they want , because of population control?

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Certainly a root of the problem was that most pvpers went horde. And now it’s spiraling out of control.

Also, for fear of getting off subject, I’d like to remind everyone to stay focused on the transfers and ask Blizzard for solutions. Like a free reverse for the Alliance that moved.


He’s correct though.

If they told you that the server transfers might end and some of your people took too long, that’s not on Blizzard, that’s on the people who didn’t get moving.

Who is being obtuse now?

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Unlikely to happen OP.

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The window was very short. Some members had the day off for Veterans day, so they transferred right at 11AM PDT. Some members have work and can’t until later today. Still, even some of the people who were able to try and transfer could not. It was only about an hour and a half that we had the chance to.

I would argue that Blizzards dialogue is too vague. Stop at any moment under what conditions? Last time the transfers were up the lasted several days, people thought there was precedent there.

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Blizz apologist at it again.

No shocker here.

Willing to place a wager if we sent your DNA to ancestory dot com it would come back 75% Troll/25% Blizzard community manager.

Prove me wrong.


Blizz has reversed transfers in the past…Should be able to

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I hope so several of my accounts have toons scattered across 2 servers now bankers on servers with no characters i play its a gd mess

Lol, is this the same player who posted an almost identical whine in the other thread celebrating player idiocy ?

I think you’ll have trouble finding sympathy for your situation, and as per your other comment on a different toon, lololololololololol.


Ignore the trolls they troll every thread here. The fact is this whole thing was very poorly executed. If Blizzard would have been less vague no guild would have risked transferring and losing half the guild. They need to fix this mess.


Funny how Fearlina turns out to be the best server in NA.

Good joke. I’m sure a server full of twitch emote spammers and Asmongold’s bootlickers is a real fantastic place.

I’ll be over here on the ACTUAL best server, aka Grobbulus.


Blizzard has a serious problem here. To put server transfer at 11am in the middle of a monday only leaves it up for interpretation that the transfer would be available at least for the day not 1 hout 53 mins. Blizzard was i think caught off guard by the amount of 1 faction was transferring from a given server do too population imbalance. If they where truly caught off guard then they havent been paying attention to these issues well enough to know this type of mass faction transfer might happen. 2 if this was a actual miss post/error on there part they need to fix the error bu allowing said factio. To transfer back to there original server to reunite with there guild or allow all faction to transfer to continue for a given time. Either parts of “2” will fix the situation. Since blizzard did drop the ball


Just as an FYI:

As mentioned, open a customer support issue in-game to attempt to reverse your transfers if you were alliance on one of the horde-only realm transfers.

Seemingly, transfers to these servers for alliance were not supposed to be activated at all and some people who jumped on them at first open inadvertently were allowed through - thus, creating the problem.


Just painting that blue:


Thank you for the update, Kaivax!



Thank you for considering faction balance!

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And now Kaivax steals all my hearts for the same answer :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait for it…


Hows that foot taste Somalion?