Going full mouseover macros

I’m starting Cata Classic. I’m casual but if I’m feeling good I might go semi-hardcore to an extent. My character is Hunter and it’s been a while, had to completely relearn my class even though I have done it before. Just wanted to explain my level of play first.

Ok so upon returning I was spending many hours trying to get a comfortable layout and macros. What I ended up with is almost every ability having a mouseover macro. I have never done this but I love it so far. I’m testing it in questing areas only because while I do like it, it makes me nervous about the chance of targeting something unexpected. I’m able to switch between targets without TAB and that’s more efficient but I have not tested it in dungeons or raids.

My question is, does anyone else saely do this? The drawback is my character macros are used up so I have to use up my general space which takes away macros for any other characters I make.

For any classes I play regularly, I tend to have pretty much anything with a targetting component macro’d. (I have a few different ways I do it depending on the type of ability.) I just prefer having control over how stuff is targeted. I mostly get away with it because I only play a few classes enough to bother macroing stuff on them. But man, could I use more macro slots.

I don’t think you’re any more likely to pull an extra pack with a stray mouseover than with tab targeting.

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The most important thing you can do as a hunter, in order to not pull stray packs by alt-tabbing to them, is run this macro:

/console stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange 1

I really wish Blizz would turn this on by default for hunters. It would save so much grief.

Also, you don’t need to use macros to use mouseovers these days. You can just enable the mouseover feature in-game and set the modifier key to none (or use Bartender which can do this if it’s not in the base client).

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Actually on several macros I have: /cast [@mouseover, harm][ ] !auto shot …added to the end with the exception of cc but with mouseover I’m not typically targeting unless there is something I want to hit in middle of a pack. If I’m actually selecting a target I don’t want it to pop off so yeah I will for sure use that, ty.

I do have:
/petfollow /petpassive /stopcasting
…to my mouse wheel so I can get my pet to return ASAP because you know, sometimes pets will just start heading places that you don’t want to. The mousewheel-down in particular because it’s the quickest and most intuitive oh-#%&! button for me.

You can replace that with /startattack
Your target will already be set by the spell you’re casting initially so you don’t need mouseover targeting on it. I also include /petattack in many of my hunter macros.

Yeah, I did not have it. That will keep my pet from unnecessary downtime, I can see that now. Thanks.

I’m thinking that different versions of WoW has different behavior for pets getting seperated and causing aggro, like when you jump off a cliff and the pet runs around and through mob packs. It’s also possible that it’s always been the same. Not sure. So do you dismiss pet every time you jump off something in an instance?

The behavior’s been pretty consistent since at least Wrath. As for dismissing on jump down, it really depends on the jump. Some they follow, others they’ll run around and be a menace, varies by dungeon. If you’re unsure, either dismiss or be mounted.

Ok, I’ll stay on safe side for now til I get a feel for it. Appreciate it.