So with news of cross faction I am probably going to go back to being a dwarf dk. I honestly love dwarves and death knights are my favorite class. With news of cross faction will you go back to alliance or remain horde
Dwarves are awesome they should be powerhouse of alliance tbh
I wish dwarves took more of a center stage within the Alliance. They are my favorite race. Best of luck on your dwarf DK!
As I always have I’ll have multiple Horde and Alliance alts. None of which I’ll play to any extent outside of my druid farmers.
Ra ra Rasputin, lover of the Banshee queen.
You’re gonna be a wee little guy. How cute.
Dark iron or bust
Dwarves are the best. I look forward to downing bosses w these guys.
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I love dwarves and gnomes
Sir, we only punt gnomes here.
Dwarf DK’s are serious badassery.