Wait… you saying that they’re letting us move to Era now? Can I confirm this? I am excited if true, but for some reason I feel like I am getting played here.
I highly doubt people are going to go back to it, hardcore is why era is even still alive.
plenty of people play era
no. zero confirmation.
The reason I ask is because I see a lot of hype for TBC and there are people who love it. But, classic era also stayed strong too. Anniversary just seems to have the classic playerbase with classic era feels empty…
I’ll be playing TBC and hope they give us the option to make a copy/clone whatever you want to call it, to Era.
I also hope they give us a TBC Era as I want to play both versions of the game.
why? don’t you hate era?
Of course not haha. I wish dual spec was on Era… no dual spec makes it pointless.
I was actively playing Era until Anniversary dropped.
That’s wild you admit that openly. Sheeeeeeesh.
My hunter probably. I don’t have much desire to raid anymore and for arenas in TBC I would probably pick another class.
Why’s that?
ok so don’t transfer to era… it has no doll speck
Only going to roll on Anniversary servers IF the HC server progresses into TBC - I play 1-60 in the HC Era servers … why change this?
HC server is not progressing to TBC
Seems to me like it’s a lot of effort for 200 AP, but you do you ig.
They say that they are open for suggestions, so I keep on trying.
I leveled my druid to 39 on Anniversary and then went and rerolled back onto Era. Best decision I ever made since i lost my toons to Cataclysm.
Blizz already confirmed no HC for TBC.
Gotta minmax
Brb buying greater arcane elixirs, elixir of greater firepower and dragonbreath chili
My chili procs were hitting for over 1k on loatheb this week with a flask of supreme power haha
They say that they are open for suggestions, so I keep on trying.
no. i guess. what is CE? Ok.