Going back is never good

Last night I faced a streamers group in an RBG and we got killed, which we deserved too. I went back and watched the video today. Man does it feel bad. What a crap show we provided.

Just a little more to this: it was Flarks group, and I was in a LFG pug. We never could down Flark’s DK and he spawn BS forever, and even after we capped we never got out of BS. Plus our Guardian druid thought he was sitting stealth at the bridge and was in fact not stealth. Oh man LFG is a wonderous place.

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It’s best to not do any rated PvP and just let it die. Then the game and PvP can be designed better.


That’s like saying to an alcoholic… stop drinking so alcohol can be designed better.


There is no one to blame for this disaster but us (maybe a bit of bad match making). LFG was just a complete disaster for me yesterday as I think I got 1 win in several games before I decided to quit for the night.

I mean, what were you expecting? It’s a pug… It’s always going to be hit or miss. Plus flark is a very good player. Just needed to vent or what? Feels like a dear diary post.

just chatting. Definitely not venting as it actually enjoyed Flarks reacting to when he found our tank out of stealth.

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I disagree, the class and game design is to blame and that is why the majority of PvP players don’t want to participated in rated PvP.

This analogy doesn’t even make sense.

Let me explain, Arena ruined RPG PvP in this game. The main reason why is because of it’s Esport status ALL of PvP has now been balanced around 3’s. Which 3’s Arena doesn’t work for an RPG PvP game because of class roles and classes are designed around large scale combat. Not this tiny small mini game deathmatch.

So the fall out is, many specs or class roles are broken because of Rated PvP mainly Arena. So if Arena goes away, then we can fix these specs and classes again and buff them for the content they are made for which is objective based PvP in BGs.

This game has a lot of PvP potential but right now Rated PvP is in the way. PvP should be balanced around BGs. Healers shouldn’t be nerfed the way they are, Tanks shouldn’t take 50% extra dmg making most of them unplayable. The list goes on.

So yes please let Rated PvP die because it hurts the majority of the PvP community and maybe PvP in this game can improve when they ditch Arena. I say this as someone who has competed in Rated play at a high level. It’s bad for the game. I won’t compete in it anymore and blacklisted it’s content. Fix gearing for PvPers please and thanks as well. No more ranked gear.


I’m just referencing that one game though. This isn’t a statement on pvp as a whole, rather just something I felt I wanted to share on a singular game.

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That’s fair and I want to say that I hope Rated PvP dies so we can fix PvP in this game. Then your issue won’t be as much as an issue. Since there is soo soo much currently wrong with it. From gearing, to class balance and roles. My RBG and Arena days are done. So are many others and it’s time to let it RIP.

I’m about fixing issues and actually looking at the big picture. Lets balance PvP around class roles again in BGs. Then maybe RBGs won’t be bad anymore. Also the best PvP gear should be attainable from BGs. Rated content should just be for cosmetics or titles.


ive been having a blast at expansion capped pvp for 3 expansions now. i’ve never understood the need people have to be ranked or run around pillars for 20 minutes.

its just the fact that there is a 3k rated player telling everyone what to do. If you have ever seen him stream RBGs, you notice he REALLY micro manages. This is a key thing with lower rated people as they usually have no idea what to do unless they are micro managed.

Also, fun fact. He wouldnt invite me because I was brewmaster. Well we rolled his team of EoTS at 2100mmr and he was getting annoyed that no one could cap on me :’)


The issue is Guardian druid is really good and the only tanking class that reliably allows average players to be good. But Players that are really good at an underperforming class > players that are not really good at an over performing class.

The biggest issue that there’s a lot of bad players out there (me included) and more than likely if you take a chance your getting a bad players carried by his/her class rather than a good player carrying his/her class. Your the exception to this rule obviously, but it’s the truth.

yep. I see it every day. I get declined by people who are 1800 xp and only want a guardian even though I was 2200 as brew last season. They dont care what I was, they just say “brew is bad and guardian is best” and they would rather have a 1600 guardian than me… Its a crappy mentality


Which if Arena went away, we likely would have tank balance. Also if they remove the 50% dmg increase taken a lot of Tanks would be able to play besides Guardian. A flat dmg increase never the answer to balance because each Tank has very different design mechanics.

I would really like to see the return of class roles again and ALL PvP balanced around objectives and filling those roles.

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Once again, the players have more braincells than the devs apparently… That is exactly what is needed. So stupid they wont revert that. Brew has 57k at 226 ilvl and 50% increased dam intake with leather gear… like what do they expect against a bear or DH with 75k hp.

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Any tips for sitting specifically as a BrM? I’ve been trying and having a rough time. Other than some the usual stuff like stand at range etc.

thats the thing, you dont sit at range. I would like to make a guide for brew soon. Just finishing up a lot of school and work things right now.

Brew takes rushing jade wind and spam it over and over while sitting right on the flag with your port under you. running kyrian with forgemaster gives you shackles and you cannot get capped. unless 2 people come to try. Even then, you have the CC and your ox to spin for you while someone can get there to help.

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Please do. But I could swear I’ve been sapped even with RJW rolling, maybe I wasn’t spamming it enough. What’s the reason for port being under you, btw?

Also, I was nightfae for leveling. What’s this about the Kyrian ability?
By Ox you mean the little fella that spawns for Niaozau (spelling) right ?

So RJW has an 8 sec duration but also an 11 if you press it again before it fades. So you spam it off CD and if a rogue saps and attempts to cap, it spins for you while sapped. Port goes under you so that if you have to go off the flag, you can port back in a sap if needed.

Kyrian just has the best stuff for brew. The reset on keg smash and the damage increase is kind of wild and you can 100-0 people in like 4-5 seconds. Thr main thing with kyrian is vial. It is way too good not to take, heal, cleanse, and 20% dam reduction. Soulsteel clamps are what keep you from getting capped on also because it reduces incoming CC when you stand still, hen e why you stand on the flag.

And yes, ox, or dave as PvE people call him. Has an AoE stomp that also spins for you.

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I’ll at least interject that Flarkness always suspiciously has geared, high XP players who are playing low MMR games. Not to say he isn’t an amazing player, but he streamed all last season playing incredibly low MMR games versus where he should be playing at if memory serves me correctly.

Which it is what it is, he pays his $15 like everyone else does, but it is kind of lame to forever gate keep lower skilled players just because RBG stomps look better than competitive matches for your stream.

Same with Pikaboo doing thousands of ‘viewer 2s’ matches last season. That’s a few thousand games where people trying to push had to face arguably the best Rogue player in the world. Lol It’s just dumb IMO, if you want to stream then showcase your abilities against equal opposition. Seeing Pikaboo outplay people who will never be close to his skill level is hardly entertaining, so far as I’m concerned.