Goddess Watch Over You

In the Class Hall for Demon Hunter, you get the quest “Goddess Watch Over You”. When I open the quest details, it doesn’t show a map of the quest area, instead it just opens a map of where you are currently. The only thing you get told is to find the Tears of Elune from Val’Sharah. If you know how to fix or do this, please help.

I think someone asked this recently and was provided an answer. Check older posts Ny.

IIRC, the Tears of Elune are from the final quest in the primary story chain for that zone, where you have to bump Ysera off the mortal coil.

Sorry this is late, I haven’t been checking the forums.

So I have to finish the Val’Sharah storyline? Or just the storyline for stuff kind of about and around the Temple of Elune? Because if the latter, then I’ve already done that.

I posted it, I just didn’t get much answer to another question I had

You have to finish the entire zone’s main story. You get the tears at the end.

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