God Arms/Fury warrior LF heroic/mythic raid guild

raid times and days dont matter i am quite literally HIM, can also play other classes if needed but you would need to help me gear it (DPS classes only) but mainly looking to play arms/fury

what i want in a guild is: we kill stuff fast, we have people who actually want to m+

what i offer: big dam, never miss a day and always on time and does every mechanic perfectly with ease

i don’t want to sit here and list off all my incredible achievements but i will say i was the 2nd highest dmg in the world as fury warrior on sennarth, good times

We are Nap Time, a reforming guild aiming for CE this expansion! Our raid days are Fri/Sat 9pm-12am PST. We also have many people that will be pushing m+! If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to either me or my GM.

Discord: divineboredom or jlj0027 (GM)

Pumper! We are in the market for a arms/fury warrior. Currently focusing on heroic and if/when we have the comp for mythic, we’ll jump in there. Give us a shout if you’re interested.

Recruiting DPS and HEALERS for War Within content! TUES/THURS 8:30-10:30 PM EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)