Goblin women. They got the best booties anywhere!


Come this Tuesday, no other race comes even close to the supreme beauty and seductiveness of your local goblin gals. That is an undeniable fact we will witness first hand :yum:

No waggle. No junk in the trunk. Think they’re all that, but are just kind of there… They’re the Miley Cyrus of wow.


But the face tho :unamused:

booty so fine they named a bay after it


Goblins were my least favourite race, but after 8.2.5 I actually think the females look cute in a hard to describe way.


Cue the legions of Draenei females!

I…I misread the title :frowning:

They have tails obstructing their behinds. No contest. Female goblin behinds are much finer and rounder.

You do, k?

I’m sticking with the humble humans and night elves.

If we’re talking glutes, nothing beats the tight, steatopygic mounds of muscle on Nelf females. You could wedge a manhole cover between them, and it would stay solidly in place.

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What’s wrong with the face?? They just look like girls from Staten Island. :smiley:

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Blizzard needs to take cues from nsfw fanart sites when it comes to goblin girls

They more recently stretched a ton of gear textures to try and cover up the new models more. https://imgur.com/a/AXFlVNP

Someone needs to take their liquify tool away from them; that looks awful.

Thats too bad.