Goblin Warriors

I don’t see many Goblin Warriors running around. I created one and am trying to decide if I should go for it. I like the idea of being a rare combo, but I have a couple questions.

How do armor sets look on them? I was messing around with the transmogs that i have and I found a set that looks just okay.

Any issues with being a super small race? Like weird los issues, or maybe being lost in combat if you are tanking?

Also, are their racial abilities any good for pvp?

Use the following to look at a goblin in any warrior set…

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I once had a Vulpera Brewmaster tank for me in keys, and god he was impossible to see moving around all of the time. I’ve never been inadvertently clipped by so many enemy skillshots before.

Hi! Goblin makes a fine Warrior, go for it even if there aren’t many of us.


I used to run a golbin prot warrior. It was fine but as time went on ( I’m 63 now) I’m finding my eyes loose him in large pacts. I finally race changed to an orc. Sad for me because I get a bang out of playing a pint sized tank :frowning:

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yeah im not horde but you can do rocket boot jump executes really cool lol…

I go with a green armor set, so I can say I’m the real Green Goblin. I also tell people my name is what it is because I’m too cheap to pay the royalties for the a.

Goblin warrior represneting :slight_smile:

i’ve seen a few. they sort of remind me of the dude from Legend or kinda like armor suits from the Labyrinth.


So i actually really like goblins as a race but; with 2-handers, they do this very questionable comical spin that i cant stand.

other than that goblins are fun!

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They are fine, I tried it out before myself.

Out in the world it takes the L though.
You are so small, and you can’t charge what your toon can’t “see”, so small hills that are NP for most other races, suddenly start messing with charge.

Be ready for alot of being unable to charge something just because you cant see it over the hill.