Goblin transmog

Hello all got back into wow and been having fun unlocking allied classes and t mog hunting.
Been thinking about another alt , a female goblin just unsure what to play, been very very tempted to play shaman I love idea of both enhancement and elemental spec but I was kinda wanting to reserve that for nightborne when they unlock it for more classes.
My main question is what armor types look great on a goblin female? Plate, mail, leather , cloth. Yes I try to go somewhat skimpy somwtimes

Honestly, anything looks good on a gobbo. Unlike dwarves which look terrible in plate even though they’re taller.

Female goblins look so good in basically all armor types

Heck, I’d bet they’d even look good without any

If you’re going for skimpy I’d say cloth has the best mogs for that.

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That’s going in the great book of grudges.


In dire need of more skimpy, lewd mogs.

… oh right, children’s game.

And also just wrong opinions

i’m a big fan of the goblin heritage armor with a skimpy top subbed in for Hunter

Heya I used to play a Goblin on EU for a fair bit of Shadowlands.

Back then I was a Night Fae Demo Lock and people seemed to like my appearance.

If you want any inspiration. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool thanks all for the responses, it’s been fun mix and matching, just wanted to hear some other opinion on the matter before I invested time into it

Agreed. I love my various paladin and warrior dwarves . I think the heritage armor is BA for dwarves in fact.