Their faith in gold and all things shiny is unrivaled!
Man, the only thing I can think off is a Pandaren Warlock named Weirdo, with golden style transmog.
Sorry, there are certain rules that all of the paladin orders have to adhere to, and there’s one some of the taller races () refuse to budge on.
They’d definitely start the Order of the Golden Hand.
True faith has no boundaries such as height!
Ha! That’s what the priests what you to believe, but when any devout member of the more compact races attempts to join an order or even if some external advocate just tries to campaign on the little races’ behalf…well, let’s just say that when Aponi forces every Sunwalker to pray to An’she for Greater Judgment upon the heretic (her words not mine) the result is quite explosive.
Great and powerful An’she please have mercy on a poor dwarf and ignore the prayers of Aponi and her brethren/sistren/othren and spare me from your holy judgement. I aim just to explain the ways of your hallowed sect and turn the heathens back from their wicked ideals and put them on the path of the light! I shall pray for them, Glorious An’she: their numbers are legion, their evil skills commensurate. However, perhaps they can give up this foul idea of ulta-tiny crusaders, and your mighty wrath shall not be needed?!? Please don’t smite me…
The Goblin Paladin order shall be known as the Knights of Bling!
So can’t wait to roll my Gobby Pally
Hun we’re talking Goblins. You know it would have some epic acronym!
Shining Knights of United Merit.
Kul Tiran would like to speak to your manager
There is no rule that excludes any Kul Tiran; however, thus far none have passed an entrance exams because everyone of you flunks either because you get food stains all over the trial acolyte libram (that’s an instant failure) or repeatedly drop the libram on the ground (also a huge demerit each time) because ya’ll can’t stop eating your grease-drenched fish for 30 seconds to wipe your hands.
It’s funny, Because they can be priests, but i think its more of a tele-vangical sense than actual Holiness. Their belief that they can make as much money to heal and gift to others on the fact that they can charge for their services is just funny to me.
In game goblin voice:
“oh boy, you sure got a bad wound, i can fix ya’…for a small fee of-course!”
Gold… Give me strength!
Well, Rules of Acquisition #285: No good deed ever goes unpunished.
. So, exploit early and exploit big cause “opportunity plus instinct equals profit.”