Goblin mount drop rate is WAY too low

Or, ya know, it will pop up on the $$$ store again.

I hadn’t considered this angle, but I agree. I, too, got the mount from the event, so I won’t need to spend Trader’s Tenders on it–a plus. But I’m fine with others being able to get it using Tenders.


I feel the same pain and wonder what game is afoot with my local grocery store. They’ve discontinued carrying so many items that I enjoyed. And I’m talking about things that sold well and could be hard to get, if I shopped on the “wrong” day.

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I feel bad for people who want it really badly. It’s one reason i attend: if i get the mount i can give it away.


Meanwhile, witnessed the same player get it 2 times (about 3 hrs apart), having it already, and sell it for 1.3M and 2.1M, respectively. Knew, because they were open in /s about how much they got for it, bragging to those of us who have killed it religiously and have gotten their 10,000,000,000th goat pet.

Blizzard thinks Logic is a rapper, not a mindset. Why on the face of the planet would you make it lootable by someone who already has it. Ridiculous.

Total agree this is one of the events that will not come back in a long time, why limit drop to 1%. We remember on wow anniversary when hawk mount dropped with low chance blizz instantly buffed it to 100% so people dont miss out and that event is re-occuring every year.

Buff the drop chance to 100% last day if u already decided u want to give mount away let everyone enjoy it,or at the very least tell us its coming back in trade post or smth.

Yeah Blizzard might find that they’d do VERY well to embrace some more transparency.