Goblin Heritage Armor

Now before I do the hard yards and level up a Goblin for the heritage armor…

Is this still obtainable in Dragonflight?


Yes, you need Exalted with Bilgewater Cartel and level… 50? 60? Probably 60.

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Goblins have heritage armor? What would this even be?

The only races without heritage armor are:

Human/Orcs (Coming in 10.0.7)
Night Elf/Forsaken

Yes. None of the heritage sets have been removed.

As goblins are a core race, requirements will be to reach exalted with their faction, and hit level 50+ in order to start the quest chain.

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Thank you.

I did look on WoWHead but did not see anything as to if I could still get this now if I liked to so.

Now to decide on class.

I did read it was one hell of a challenge to do the quest line.

IIRC, it was the only heritage questline that I died on. You have to navigate the MOTHERLODE dungeon (instanced) and dodge a bunch of stuff.

No, you misunderstand. I understand what heritage armor is, I just… couldn’t come up with something that I’d ever seen that screamed “classic goblin” to me. Maybe it’s because goblins are so short that designing armor for them almost seems like a waste of time, as you’re not going to see it anyway.

Now granted, Blizzard came up with something that looks like it has a bunch of rockets that was slapped together out of green leather armor rejects from Barrens leveling and maybe a old zeppelin, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this armor set on any goblin NPC anywhere.


My goblin is a mage and engineer. While I’m not currently using the set, I feel like at least having engineering allows you some goggle options if you don’t care for the ones that come with the set.

Well, the way you worded it suggested that you didn’t know they had a set, so… :man_shrugging:

Oh gods, now I am scared. :sob: I am very bad with stuff like that. Ouch.

It’s simple. Honestly, if you’re that worried about it, do it at 60+ since it was designed for level 120 back in BfA (which would obviously be 50 now)

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I’m thinking lock or hunter. I have several of both but do love those classes.


Just a heads up if anyone reads this and is looking to get this heritage set.

I did this quest line a few days ago on a lock with full looms still at level 60. Game version
Mobs scaled to my level round 59-60 the boss killed me 3 times. I feel if I didn’t have drain life and lock stones that would be a different result. It was a rough fight.

I went in expecting it to be a little easier, silly me. LOL

so the requirements are still:

lvl 50
exalted with goblins


The only one with a questing requirement I believe is Tauren.
And the boosting restriction I believe only works on allied races.

Any goblin exalted with their faction and you should be good to go.

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So if people are calling Goblins a core race then there’s a good handful that were core race way before still waiting

As I understand it, all non-allied races are core races.

It seems weird, to me at least, to consider drakthyr a core race, but I think they fit the definition.

Because it’s so ugly :smiley:

No… no they didn’t

Thats the thing though.
Allied races got heritage way before with other cores still waiting .

At this point if they can dull it out for Allied races they can forball the cores still missing.