Goblin event a no go

Stevie Wonder plays WoW. Go figure.


Sharding is the only issue Iā€™ve really had with it, other than the lag. Two or three times now, Iā€™ve been at the portal and then I get put on another shard and the portal spawn disappears and a few of us have to move to another location.

Off subject but on the subject of sharding, yesterday I did Siege on Dragonbane keep and afterwards we always kill Captain Lancer. I tagged him and we had gotten him to around 75%, then I was put on another shard where there were only a couple of other people killing him and he was still at 90+% health. :dracthyr_lulmao:

So I joined a raid to kill goblin in Ohnaran, got like some paltry gold.

I leave raid, and start flying to Val and come across my server fighting the goblin over the next hill.

And I get the achievement and better loot lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I have my lowbie alts just tag it just so they can have some starter gold to start with.

Thatā€™s a failure on Blizzards fault and the fans for not even expecting Blizzard to do the bare minimum.

I will say that this goblin spawn does have some sharding issuesā€¦I seen it 3 times move ā€¦in SWā€¦it would spawn in the Trade area only to sit there count down a few mins then all sudden disappear and reappear in the Dwarf area of SWā€¦it does happenā€¦then there is the multiple spawn points being called out in SW seen that happen tooā€¦so sharding is effecting the spawn for some folksā€¦

A bunch of ppl got sharded yesterday with 2 mins left before he pops out of the portal and the portal moved.

Bliz needs to remove sharding or shard raid groups to an empty shard rather then how it works currently which is bad.


Here you go. A spreadsheet of all the wheres and whens of the goblin spawning.

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Wowhead.com has the list too ā€¦and Tomcats tour has the plug in for where and when too.

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Just did the Goblin on my Mage in SWā€¦the portal spawned in Trade Distā€¦only to move the sec the Goblin came out and it showed up in the Cathedral area and I almost missed the killed it was just about dead by time I got thereā€¦so there is some damn real problems lately with it shifting in SW all the dang time.

Now weā€™re making up numbers to further a narrative?

Three goblins up and people would want in on all three kills, not just one. Youā€™d see people complaining they canā€™t kite the goblins around to get them all together to tag them all.

This isnā€™t a comprehension issue on their part.

Keep making up numbers and poor narratives.

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itā€™s alive long enough every player on the server could get a tag, follow it while tab targeting.

See, THIS is a real problem. Being shown where the goblin is supposed to spawn, only for it to spawn somewhere else in the zone is an actual Blizz problem that should be noted and rectified.

It was never supposed to have any ā€œrealā€ content. Its a silly little cross over/advertising event for another game.

Do you know how loot goblins work in Diablo?

It more sounds like you dont know how things work, and want everything hand held.


They couldā€™ve done nothing at all. Only other crossover launch event I can remember is D3, and there wasnā€™t much to that one either.

the Diablo 20th anniversary event was pretty similar to this one.
ā€¦and no cow level. :no_entry_sign: :cow:

i couldnā€™t figure out how i already had half of the current rewards, and i must have got them during the anniversary event.

(iā€™m amazed people arenā€™t screaming about recycled content and ā€œhow hard would it be to make new rewards??!!ā€ etc)

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Yeah, two of the rewards are things I got for pre-ordering Diablo games. Iā€™m kind of impressed there hasnā€™t been more outraged threads. Iā€™m pretty happy more folks get to run around with a treasure goblin just for beating up on a goblin for 5 minutes.

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theyā€™d be happier if it was a gnome :laughing:


Sounds to me like you accept scraps and donā€™t expect Blizzard to bother putting in effort.

So does this mean you do not understand how the loot goblin works in Diablo?