Goblin Customization Thread

Thank you. I was also think it would be great to get some streetstyle tatoos for goblins.


Heck yeah!

Still dont understand why goblins donā€™t have the customization option for ā€œblindā€ eyes or even Tattoos as that would inevitably have been a big thing In Kezan.

Young and Husky models would be awesome as well

I mostly want he red, blue and purple skin tones that gil goblins have O.O. I also want gilgoblins.


I am of the opinion that if the only way to get playable gilgoblins is to have their options meshed into goblins then there shouldnā€™t be any at all. As a seperate allied race would be great, but I if they mixed those opinions with land goblins it would not make sense. Like imagine a goblins running around with fins on their arms but land goblin skin tones.

Ehh I just want some red goblins with some devil wings/bat wings. So I can make a little devil goblin guy xD. I get bored of all the green skin tones.

Sounds like playable imps which I would support.

Well I would like something like Hell Goblins, some fiery eyes. Sort of wish Venthyr gave bat wings, to contrast Bastionā€™s angel wings tbh. Yes something like a goblin imp would be cool, although I like the name hell goblin.

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I like some of the changes they have made to the female goblin, however, they could give us some additional voice lines and make some gear that fits us better.


What is there to talk about goblins look like dookie no matter what customization you put on them being born that ugly overides any amount of make up


We have some of the hottest women in the game. That /dance is a killer at parties.

That is hot to you compared to things like ne Draenei or belf?

Yes. Blood elves are too skinny and draenei arenā€™t as thicc and have hooves.

Goblins need many more options.

I do hope that when Blizzard comes back to customizations they do so seriously and with a plan to actually equally and significantly improve all races.


now that void elves and nightborn are getting more customizationā€¦

lets add more hair/eye/beard/ teeth customization options for goblins!


Nuts & Bolt missing eye, Kajamite crystal green eyes, ā€œmissing eyeā€ and blind eyes

gold teeth!!!


We need more people bumping this thread. The goblin fanbase may not be as big as the elf fanbase, but we would love more custom options.

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Goblins are ugly af

There has been many times Iā€™ve been told I am cute.


I feel like Iā€™ve just seen something I wasnā€™t supposed toā€¦


i agree. goblins need more customizations in-general. love goblins, and feel like they got pretty shafted by what they got. if it were up to me, more haircuts for both genders, and a couple more skin-tones. but hey, thatā€™s just me.

your not cuteā€¦ your adorable. :+1: