Goblin Customization Thread

Close. Okay accurate but if I had more hair options I could cover it up with more style


Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in.

New expac announcement for the 19th of April.

Seems as good a time as any to repost my list of customizations.

Goblin Customization

All right putting together some stuff just to show off what folk been suggestin and mocking up.

The List

  • tattoos
  • scars
  • broken ears
  • soot stains
  • Grease stains
  • hairstyles and colors
  • Mechanical arm and leg replacements
  • more eye colors
  • more skin colorsā€¦
  • Blingy Jewelry.

Heres some pictures. Most of em by Handclaw but Iā€™ll note belowā€¦

By Handclaw

By Hendry

By Unknown (If you do know tell me)

And finally a nice video showing off anamazin prosthetic arm and leg.

By Keyboarturner


Thank you very much for compiling everything that accumulated in this thread so far! :smiley:

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Of course, ainā€™t no way Iā€™m lettin Blizz give us a raw deal.

Get it all together and let em see it all at once I say.

And since I have TL3 I might as well put it to use.

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not gonna lie but my goblin would have been male if male Goblins and Gnomes had a HUGE afroā€¦

why?? cus itā€™s fun.

all of this deserver more Likes

Wish we had more body type options
Slim - (Like Female Goblin but for Males :flushed: )
Husky - (Gallywix)
Regular (Current)

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I wouldnā€™t mind more body types. Honestly a big fan of that sort of thing.

Iā€™d just like to sneak in here and bump this again. A+ amazing thread. Might be the best threat on the entire forums right now.

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Hey man someoneā€™s gotta do it right?

Might as well be you. Or me.

Or whatever is the most profitable!

Next expac info here.

Just the announcement stuff but hey maybe weā€™ll be featured?

They need a Cousin It option to cover their entire repulsive little faces and bodies. haha gottem

A dwarf without a beard?

I donā€™t underst- oh itā€™s a woman.

Female dwarves are just so rare I forgot for a moment.

I have high hopes. Iā€™m not so sure weā€™ll get goblin options. But going to undermine or getting a Tinker class would be awesome.

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Oh, thereā€™s a beard. Just not in frame.

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Tinker would be swell honestly.

Might almost remake this toonā€¦ though I kinda like making my own robots as a BM hunterā€¦ Nah Iā€™ll make a new goblin I think.


I got nuthin, she wins this round.


sneaks in


That is all.

Carry on.

slinks away

Yeah Iā€™d just like to sneak in here and say, I get that thereā€™s dragons or something like that going on, but if I donā€™t get grease/soot stains and a wrench transmog item soon, Iā€™m gonna flip out.

That is all.

9.2.5 is giving us Grey and white item transmogā€¦ Wrench might be in the worksā€¦

Ok hereā€™s me hopes for goblin customizations:
-Fuller hair
-A bit of the 'ol 5 oā€™clock shadow
-Gold teeth
-And maybe a paler skin tone
Thatā€™s all I gots so see ya later and continue to be [BIG SHOTS]


Sapper keg / Barrel and Rocket Pack for back slot transmog.

As well, more traditional female goblin hair styles. Literal Bomb Buns styles, cause you know goblins.

Jewelry that isnt nose or ears, belly button and necklaces would work.

Would love actual boar tails that Gnomes, forsaken and BElves get.