Goblin Customization Thread

An AR would be ideal for sure. I’m still peeved that we are the only ones who didn’t get a proper AR. Vulpera have nothing to do with goblins.

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Worgen didnt get an allied race tbh

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True, I guess I meant out of the ARs we got, only vulpera didn’t match the core race.

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I’m right there with you.

Kelfin would have been amazing, no hate towards my Vulpera friends.

Sethrak would have made a nice “worgen” AR… they use the same model and it would have added parity with Vulpera if they somehow went Alliance… (Unlikely as heck).

Saberon perhaps? Some came through with the Mag’har. Could see them go either way.

Either one paired with Kelfin AFTER Mechagnomes and Vulpera would have helped balance things a bit I think.

Though honestly if I were Blizzard I’d just revamp the whole AR and Core race system into a new Sub-race system, take the races that are derivations of their parents and have em under that, with their own heritage, racials the whole shebang!

Then add more races AR style that are along the lines of the Vulpera. Not sub-races but unique ones even if they use the same skeletons.

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Both sethrak and saberon would be awesome!

What about forsaken? Maybe a full skeleton or something?

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I’m probably in a minority here but…

Alteraci Humans.

Have em use the thin model and be brought in with the help of some Forsaken relatives. They’re on hard times and the Alliance just got Stromgarde back. They have a history.


Sounds cool! They could use the thin human model that’s already based on forsaken skeletons. It would need a new female one made, but that seems to be par for the course with most races (like Broken draenei for instance).

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Exactly. seen a few mockups around for it too.

Whats real fun is the male uses the female skeleton of the Forsaken. So some mockups have the female use the male pose.

Others just use the same skeleton for both and change it appropriately.

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I like the idea of reversing them. Thin human female using forsaken male skeleton would change it up just enough.

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I agree.

Plus their silhouette would be too close if they just used the same skeleton.

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All right putting together some stuff just to show off what folk been suggestin and mocking up.

The List

  • tattoos
  • scars
  • broken ears
  • soot stains
  • Grease stains
  • hairstyles and colors
  • Mechanical arm and leg replacements
  • more eye colors
  • more skin colors…
  • Blingy Jewelry.

Heres some pictures. Most of em by Handclaw but I’ll note below…

By Handclaw

By Hendry

By Unknown (If you do know tell me)

And finally a nice video showing off anamazin prosthetic arm and leg.

By Keyboarturner


+1 For the Mechanical arms and Legs.

The Mechagnomes are the worst possible example of how to do it.
Goblins and Gnome should have the option to replace limbs of their choosing with High Tech Prostetics.

Instead Blizzard gives us Mechagnomes, where you have no choice but to be a quadruple amputee all the time. :roll_eyes:

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Cards on the table I really like Mechagnomes for their divergence in culture and just as they are.

That said, I can see the arguments others make about them being better served alongside a sub-race setup.

So long as they’d get their own racials as an option I wouldn’t mind if they’d be a sort of customization. But only if they still get to keep their culture, racials, heritage armor and tabard.

That aside, I do think it would be better for goblins to see such mechanical arms and legs through customization.

That particular showing from Keyboardturner is really nice.

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It might’ve been said already, but I think I’d like to see soot or dirt markings for Goblins, maybe grease stains on their hands or something.

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Love it added to my list above.

These are beautiful. I want to see more of these.

Love all of these so much :heart:

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walks in whistling

Uh… Yup.

kicks the thread and runs

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Why do you think I cover mine?

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Extensive and recurring dermatitis.