Goblin Customization Ideas and Suggestions

Time for some nuttier and fuller hairstyle options for males. Females have cool, zany hair, and males need some less depressing / 'shock’ing options too.

How about a zapped look, with a bunch of spiky blonde hair as if electrocuted, and singed hair from blasts?

And for skin, instead of tattoos and war paints and markings, how bout some grease stains, smudges and workshop scars/burns? Not covering the whole face but in a minimal or haphazard way that adds character and story.

Bomb earrings (black orb with fuse) for males and females.

Gear or cog earrings that loop through the ear-pierce, just like how most earrings do in 3-d, but these are gears instead of common loops -and not pressed flat on the ear like the gnome’s cog earring is. Buzz saw blade earrings if going to use the gnome cog earring model.

Screw or bent nail or nut and bolt earring that goes through one side and out the other

A pencil (or quill) or a screwdriver (or wrench) tucked behind the ear! Resting between the ear and face!

Not liking the bling idea, I mean it’s fine but it’s kinda obvious and tame. While goblins are depicted as money grubby, the actually likeable and memorable goblins aren’t so gaudy. A chunky silver chain that’s actually 3-d and not printed on would be nice. Maybe one just a chain and one with an oversized silver bomb or rocket pendant. I would just use the plain one or none.

As for my above ideas I can really get behind them as they provide originality, story, character, personality and immersion.

Can the goblin heritage armor please have a rocket for their back slot or a barrel of fireworks and explosives?


All cool suggestions. I’d love to be able to make a goblin fellow that looked like a proper mad scientist. Gnomes can do it, goblins should be able to as well!

Other than that though, I’m just over here hoping my main’s race (worgen) get something other than fur and eye colour to choose from. Their customization options are super underwhelming relative to other races now!

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I am also surprised one of the few races that is constantly around explosives is one of the few core races that is not getting a ‘one eye blind’ or ‘both eye’ blind customization option.

A few other things is more face options for male goblins, they only have five faces total to pick from. Also I can see goblins having tattoos as an option, burns, and scarring. Giblin tweaks too, would be nice but I know they won’t give those to us easily. Lastly putting in my vote for more hairstyles that are not balding in some way… feels like they only have two that give them a full head of hair.


Give them a mechagnome treatment!

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I’d suggest making the gals even sexier but it’s just not possible.


Profit, please don’t let this be a joke!

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Half a joke, would be neat if done well.

You can’t tell me not one goblin is missing a limb…

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See, this is one of the key differences between goblins and gnomes. When gnomish devices have accidents, the gnomes lose a limb. When goblin devices have accidents, the landscape gains a crater.


You know, I didn’t consider their explosions may not leave enough goblin to fix.



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Those are some cool suggestions. Goblins are so lively and fun, it’s weird they aren’t getting more to reflect that. I sort of wish they could have Hawaiian leis as a necklace option too. They make me think of the islands and parties.


Here’s some stuff I got from twitter.

Smoking and burning hair.




I think these would be really good options and help set their image as reckless explosive experts.

A similar thing can be done with Gnomes by giving them grease and lightning sparks.

Here’s their twitter https://twitter.com/handclaw


Omg those look sooooooooo good. That’s exactly what the goblins need

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I think grease stains or blast marks (like a loony toons bomb went off in the face, blackened/charred/soot markings) would be cool. Gotta go back to those engineering roots. Working on machines is messy work.

I also would love to see males get actual beards.

Burn marks and scars would also fit given how dangerous Goblin creations are.

If we really want to get crazy maybe some mechanical facial parts/coverings? Cyborg eye, metal plates covering the nose or bits of face, heck let’s put a big ol metal plate where their forehead is! Get nuts with it! Certainly don’t want to encroach on Mecha-Gnomes but the Goblins are absolutely mad lad engineers and that could really be played up.

Edit: Oh, here is one no race has done. Goblins are also business men/women yeah? How about some gold teeth, really sell that sleezy business shark look. Throw in a pencil thin upper lip mustache for males and I think that would be an untapped look!

I think grease should go to Gnomes and Goblins have soot and blast marks.

Since goblins work with Explosives/Chemicals and Gnomes with with Robots/Devices.

But I come from I time when Gnomish and Goblin Engineering where different things.

Same for all Races TBH.

I can totally see a Goblin with a gold tooth and a diamond inset in it.

I personally don’t want gaudy, thuggish jewelry, especially if it’s just for sake of saying goblins have bling because gangster or miserly goblins is not how all goblin players nor lots of beloved goblin npc’s are, and honestly I don’t consider bling showcasing the true goblin spirit nor mentality.

A chain or ring may be a good for those whose characters are into money but let’s get off supporting the one-note sleaze, when goblins spanner (hehe!) a range of hard working machine shop artists to bomb blast aficionados to grumpy inventors to lazy beach bums - not all out to make a buck or swindle. Some are just good hearted and love with and have a nack for their ramshackle inventions! So the overly used coin counting villain shouldn’t be their only customization option, it’s too one-note for goblins and for us players who may not play that way. So let’s see if we can get some grease monkey, tool toiling, haphazard and mechanic themes into our options for those who’d appreciate, especially if gold and bling -which honestly limit personality and character more so than enrich- are likely to be a given.

Yeah some are depicted as having a crush on money but honestly what I Ike about goblins are their high energy (the bling makes them look slow and miserly and evil-villain-like), their nutty lifestyle, haphazard ways, their love for machines and affinity towards explosions.

There’s so much to love about goblins other than the mostly overused greedy, banker stereotype. And there’s so much more to showcase their interests, hobbies, profession, character, lifestyle, as in my OP and as other fans have wished for.

So I’m not liking the bling idea, I mean it’s fine but it’s kinda obvious and without much depth for character or player. I think it limits rather than enhances personally and offers little in the way of customization, it makes the goblin look more miserly than he already is which could be what some are going for but honestly we should get a range of attributes not options that enforce an already existing and at times eyerolly gimmick.

While goblins are depicted as money grubby, the actually likeable and memorable goblins aren’t so gaudy and one-dimensional. A chunky silver chain that’s actually 3-d and not printed on could be nice, if it’s one of many other well-rounded options to choose from. Otherwise everyone will just be a grimy pimp with none of their own rp nor personality. Shame if all we get is one side of goblinhood when there’s so much potential to enrich our goblins’ character and traits and interests, such as the machine shop wizard, eager bomb tester, scrappy inventor, nutty pirate, and the occasional serious and dutiful engineer, none of whom may care to bejewel themselves.

Maybe one just a plain 3-d chain with no emblems or pendants so we machine shop enthusiasts can wear a shop chain, or a chain with an oversized silver bomb or rocket pendant. I would just use the plain chain or none.

Lots of more flavorful ideas to let us play the dastardly villain, conniving crook, trickster pirate, bamboozling rogue, demolition expert, workshop wiz, marketplace mastermind, dutiful inventor, boomboxin’ blacksmith, engineer with one too many screws loose (or with just enough loose screws!), scrappy rogue, bomb squad member, crash landing tester, or the stereotypical greed ball that exists but I think doesn’t encapsulates goblin nature as a whole nor speaks for all goblins by a long robo-chicken sling shot!

As for my above ideas in the OP, I can really get behind them as they provide originality, story, character, personality and immersion, and don’t simply gild the goblin in raunchy gold which only emboldens one single out of many possible goblin personalities.

Additionally, I think one day if when we get normal culture attire, such as; frilly sleeves, long buttondown coats, and fancy vests with potion/wine-flask lined belts for nightborne, and beaded gowns, feathered upper arm bands for Tauren as a few examples, we’ll get unbuttoned Hawaiin shirts and/or sleeveless shirts, goggles/visor in the form of a cool, reflective ski-mask-looking shades - a single wide lens, with neon glowing rim, and of course lightening bolt or rocket decals. Ya know, not epic gear but more civilian and normal outfits our races wear on a daily basis, to wear when relaxing from saving worlds, to visit the town or market in, clothing most npcs are already wearing.

Additionally, some nicks and cuts such as a cut lip or workshop scrape across an eye or cheek would provide immersion for the; scoundrelly rogue, scrappy pirate, toiling machine shop inventor, junkyard scavenger, marketplace swindler.

A blind eye or a permanently closed eyelid due to an accident could be cool. Maybe I hi-res eyepatch option or two.

Move away from the one-note, sleazy motifs and let shine the nutty, gadget loving and tool toting, inventive and explosive screwballs that are also strong and for some, the better, defining goblin characteristics. Anyway, my goblins are more into creating and have ingenuity and spirit, one is even a little grumpy yet smart, toiling away in workshop pouring over strained blueprints, and one is even enjoys lazy island life, one is hyper and loves the thrill of inventing cool contraption then setting his inventions lose. None really are obsessed with scheming or gold.

Not really into the forced ‘must be obsessed with money and unfair practices’ sticker that gets slapped into all. Gold or diamond teeth would be the worst, especially when so many suggestions have been given that would enrich and allow the player and character to flourish with their personalities, while bling and gold teeth only enforce an exact and specific type of personality. Maybe one option for those who wish to continue the already severely overused stereotype.

Gazlowe is a breath of fresh air as while he may appreciate funds, his more endearing quality is that he has a big heart and his true passion is inventing and his teammates and making sure they are top notch and taken care of.

Gazlowe has a genuine concern and love for his ragtag teams and would make a better leader (unless galywix ever goes through a character arc) and better represents what it means to be a good hearted goblin while keeping the qualities and traits we’ve come to know and expect. He’s pure goblin portrayal. Spirited, lively, problem solving, eager to jump in there with his fellow goblins and get his hands dirty and face full of soot.

The pictured goblins look more like goons than what a goblin’s range of aesthetics can excitably offer. Decked out in shiny decorations may work for the gaudy or the crooked or the pimp, but for the rest of us big hearted, machine shop toiling, scrappy inventors, nutty bomb enthusiasts and lazy island workshop lugnuts, we the players and our goblin characters would benefit from a range of tried and true goblin aesthetics spannering (hehe!) the range our traits and characteristics and features and personalities that exist within our nutty minds and big hearts.

Less useless sleaze, more conduciveness please.

Goblins are so small and the gear is so bulky that you cant see any of facial customize in game. I mean whens yhe last time you noticed body options on another character at all?

If anything body hair customizing needs to take a back seat to mog customizing. Each race should have little doodads or decorations they add to weapons and armor.

Govlins would for sure get rockets, explosives, tools etc they can add to their belts, chests, pants shoes.

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Well they would be options so it would give you the ability to set the attitude of your Goblin.

And you could always make the Jewelry Iron or copper like you can with the current ones. Which would be very fitting for the gritty bruser types.

I feel like goblins are gonna get the shaft with these “new” looks. Just gonna add some jewelry and call it good.

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All of these definitely! Goblins need some more bling. Plus it would be nice for more races to get beards. Can even have a beard that is on fire, or well a little bit of fire. I like the mech parts on the face idea as well. We are talking about guys and gals willing to take risks!