Goblin and Gnome druids

“I don’t know what a goblin druid or mechagnome druid would look like in Azeroth culturally, in terms of their traditional background and what the Druids of the Grove and Cenarion circle typically value and welcome in.”

Okay, let me give it a shot…

“Due to the Heros of Azeroth’s valiant efforts in Amridrassil, the Cenarion Circle have opened their ways to INDIVIDUALS willing to learn the teachings of Cenarius and the Emerald Dream”.

Man, that was kinda hard. But it’s okay you can use my idea for universal druids.

You’re welcome, Blizz


Sir. That. That… That would be a full on Transformer. If this happens, I’m switching sides


Ikr, awesome I know


The way I’ve always envisioned Gnome and Mechagnome Druids (and Shaman as well) is a group of them deciding they can “improve” nature (and the elements) with technology.

The Cenarion Circle (and the Shaman) are absolutely appalled by this and view these Gnomes as blasphemous, treating them with barely controlled hostility (though not actual violence) which goes right over the Gnomes heads, leaving them blissfully unaware of just how angry their new “friends” are with them.



Is where you lost me.

If you’re not kicking a gnome it better be because there isn’t a gnome around you, but you’re looking for one.

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busy morning indeed!
another one goes on the list!

ish list?
ignore list?
shopping list?
Christmas card list?

what? no lmao
rollercoaster-buddy list obviously, buckle up!
we’re goin’ on the triple loop!

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Aww what a cute idea I’m for it :3


They would be cute but I want panda druids based on the August Celestials.


my only issue with all these proposed druids is that I’ll need to roll all these proposed druids.

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“Due to Amirdrassil’s awakening and Azeroths involvement with the creation of new Aspects many people around the world are discovering a new calling and the Cenarion Circle has opened its doors to them.”

Could even start this up with a questline where we follow a Cenarion Circle druid (one for the Alliance thats like a Night Elf Worgen and one for the Horde thats a Taunka maybe) where we investigate some rumors of individual members of races who normally don’t have strong nature connections and find the link between Amirdrassil’s awakening and all races becoming capable of having druids. People awakening alongside Amirdrassil to a latent power they never knew they had before.

While they’re at it they could also have smaller bits of story that show long thought lost Wild Gods or Loa coming out of hiding near those particular cultures also interested in the upwelling of nature magic connections around them. (Like having a Wild God gryphon for the Wildhammer for instance.)

Now was the time for Blizzard to do druids through the story. I don’t know what they’re going to do to link that up better in the future.

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if a Mechagnome druid doesn’t turn into a little Jeep I will quit.

Flight form should, obviously, be a jet. Tank, a tank, water, a submarine.

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To each their own I say.

I do want robotic versions of the animal forms myself but I don’t know about actual like…cars…

Though transformer references would be hilarious and I would allow it. rofl.


I almost exclusively name all hunter pets after transformers.

I have rumble, Ravage, laser beak, Several Dinobots, Steeljaw.

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Thats fantastic!

Would you name your druid Soundwave?

I need to think on that. I bet Soundwave is taken. I spend more time on my name than I do learning how to play the toon.

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I like this idea… Was thinking of just giving them vanilla names like Greg and Hank

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“Cenarius has found most of these individuals wanting, flunking 99% of them from their druid training, resulting in a population too small to support playable characters.”

Reverse uno no backsies.

“Undeterred, the individuals in question soldiered on and learned through their own means, creating several druidic orders based more closely to their individual cultures and finding old Wild Gods forgotten by the Cenarion Circle that had been in hiding. The Cenarion Circle loses a great deal of power as the races currently in it realize they don’t need them and it dissolves.”

Uno Reverse Again, no take backsies.

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