Gobfather loot

Any one want to tell me what use I have for plate loot on my Mage? Who’s idea was this?


The Blizzard monkey paw requires that if we want guaranteed loot from a world boss kill, that it be from the entire loot table instead of character-specific and that it be once per account instead of once per character.


You’re garaunteed WARBOUND LOOT on your first world boss kill of the week per account.

That’s better than the usual “no loot at all” for an entire season as im used to.

I got a leather piece of loot from the world boss, on my warlock. The irony is, I was going to main something other than my guardian druid for the first time in some 16 years LOL.

plate i got the ARMOR is worse by 3k ilvl isHIGH though

This is the idea I’m questioning. Who thought this was a good idea?

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Does anyone know if you can get gear from WB on multiple alts, or is it 0% chance?

It’s one item per week, per account. Apparently Blizz is ‘saving’ players time from riding the alt carousel for world boss kills.

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Vendor it and pretend you got nothing then. Cuz if you did it would be soulbound not warbound.