Gob Squad - All Goblin WPVP

Goblins only, Any realm.

:skull:Bounty Board
:rofl:Friendly Community

PST in Game: Lluagor-Emerald Dream
Or respond here if interested.

You can also message me over twitter: @LluagorED
Gob Squad Twitter Post


The Jackal of Stormwind is interested.

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Did I hear somebody mention loot?


I sure would like to have this thread stickied.

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Hey shoot me a msg in game or twitter! I will keep an eye out for you as well.

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Here we go boys

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Just an update!

Still recruiting Goblins!

Also hosting a Dueling Tournament for Emerald Dream players (any race/faction) on the 16th.

going to level a goblin just to join lol, seems fun

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Us orcs count right?

All is fair in the land of green?

What are the rules of the dueling tournament?

Can I participate if I don’t want the prize?

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If you level one on Emerald Dream we have a guild!

Quickfuse Cartel.

What DOES your community DO?

it SAYS wpvp, do YOU kill lowlevels at darkshire or actually FIGHT against major alliance powers like cryptids league and ruin?

CUS… THATS… WHAT WE ALWAYS NEEDED… this expansion is ALMOST over


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The dueling tournament is for Emerald Dream players only sadly!

I’ll try to remember to catch you in game tho! For other events.

is THERE any rhyme OR reason TO THE manner in WHICH you choose TO CAPITALIZE WORDs at random I AM ALWAYS very confused WHEN I see this

ONE WOULD assume you were CAPITALIZING words to emphasize THEM yet they APPEAR to be CHOSEN almost at RANDOM


You have to read his posts like this for maximum effect.