Go show some support!

Go show some support to a feature request! I know it’s a longshot/pipe dream, but you never know.


This could be fun , it would be nice to host larger rp events in places like Kara


Toxic people like you are the reason why this game is dying.


Okay alt. Glad we had this talk.

Come on man, don’t be needlessly hateful.

That said, I think this is a swell idea. It’d definitely be useful for guild campaigns in the future!


This isn’t needlessly hateful. It’s a legitimately dumb idea and a waste of dev time.

I’d rather have effort put in to player housing first than to put in development hours and resources to make instances and raids empty for RP, when it takes zero to no effort to wander in there and clear out a place you want to use for an RP backdrop in twenty-thirty minutes. Do it at the beginning of a week for a raid and you’ve the whole week with a raid with no mobs inside of it. Extend the saved lockout yourself if you don’t want to deal with twenty-thirty minutes of your life gone.


Your attitude is needlessly hateful. Not only that, but you likely didn’t even read the original post or what it suggested. The OP addresses all of why this addition would be a fantastic feature in the future.


Not only what Vissandir said but the features he’s talking about could allow folks to have a way of kind of having more options for rping having player housing other than Garrisons or Rping in empty buildings


I have read it. It’s a bad idea and a waste of development time. Takes absolutely no effort to clear a place out, especially if these RP backdrops are used for events that are planned well in advance.

Every option is there for players to use in the game right now. There are options even out of the game, like Discord, where roleplayers can just get infinitely more creative with setting the scene than the use of a prebuild backdrop. This is literally a “I don’t want to be mildly inconvenienced” request.

Yes but he also covered the fact that one could only fit around ten people or so in a raid like Kara , and only hosting 10 folks can be difficult for folks like myself that host big events and the “RP mode” he’s speaking of would be empty of npcs AND allow you to fit larger amounts of players while in RP mode to host social or combative rp events on a bigger scale. It’s something alot of us RP event planners dream of actually.

Plus some folks are lazy and just want to rp instead of having to clear a place to do it, as fun as tmoging runs are. (LOOOOOVE TMOG RUNS BLIZZ!)

This would just be a quality of life feature for us Rpers as a whole really.


I originally thought this thing kinda pointless and mostly agreeing with Mario, but the increase in player cap is something that’d be nice to have.
Although most raids support 25 players, how often are you realistically gonna have more people than that? Is there really gonna be enough people using a RP raid feature that makes the development time worthwhile for Blizz?

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For massive server events the population of players can easily go from 40 to 80 to 100, enough that multiple raids are formed to keep everyone organized.

I’m mostly interested in the Dungeon cap being flexible for RPers as impossibly large dungeons like Dire Maul, Blackrock Depths, and Maraudon can only accommodate 5 players.

Also imagine being able to hold an RP event in The Culling of Stratholme? So nice!


It’s indicative of the quality of RP to expect from the kinds of people who can’t even put in the effort to clear out trivial trash just for the capability to have an RP backdrop in a raid that you only need to touch once at worst. Same goes for dungeons.

That’s fine. I understand that desire. It’s still a complete waste of dev time and resources to have a mode that will have guaranteed the least amount of people use it in the entirety of the game’s content that it’s ever made.

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I like this idea. Maybe they will too because I bet it wouldn’t be that much work to implement. Who knows?

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I can respect your differing opinion. I would also prefer player housing. But at this point in the game, we all know that’s got a snowball’s chance in hell to happen.

And while yes, old raids can be cleared, and used, easily- that doesn’t speak to the player limits. Such as the Karazhan example. Or the 5 player limit of dungeons.

The framework for my suggestion already exists in game. A trigger at the end of a raid keeping it empty. A setting that is flexible and updates based on the number of individuals in a group. The idea, in conception, should be relatively easy to put together in a functional manner without detracting from the development of other features.

Opposition to the idea’s implementation is expected. And discussion is welcomed. But your presentation’s tone could definitely use some work my dude.


I think the hardest part of implementation would be clearing the map, and they probably wouldn’t prioritize dev time for that for an obscure feature. (But you never know?)

There might not be a trivial way to clear out an instance from its fresh-start point. Removing all entities will leave some rooms locked; killing everything instantly might corrupt the instance state, or leave you in an endzone without an escape, etc. Ultimately it seems like it’s not too much work, but it’s work nonetheless. As for UI work they don’t even need that - just make it a console command to toggle the “explore” mode on for your session.

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Don’t know Marionos that well, but I can assure you the server is not dying because of him.


I don’t… necessarily care much? This is a harsh reality check, if anything else. This isn’t going to happen, no matter how much you or some others want it to be. Regardless of how simple you think it might be on the user end of things to toggle a switch and call it good, it’s still dev time and resources for something that effectively does nothing for the game other than provide a vast, empty space that might be used on rare occasions.

I’d rather spend time trying to push for player housing than to give up on it and try to find a compromise for an even smaller subset of the player base as a whole, which is precisely what you are doing.

And before you ask “what dev time” you and everyone else in this thread have answered your own question many times. I’ll just take the time to point it out here for you. The two solutions present require either of the following:

  1. Changing the code of a game that’s older than dirt. We already know what kinds of trouble Blizzard had to go through just to expand the basic backpack size by four. The argument certainly exists to just use the flexible raid coding, but you’re still dealing with a hard-cap of dungeon and raid sizes, especially with dungeons and older raids not under the influence of flexible raids.

  2. Actually taking the dev time to take the dungeon and raid areas out of their respective instances and add them into the game world proper. Blizzard has already stated the main reason why player housing has not been implemented yet, and that is a removal of open world interaction with players, if we are to assume that player housing will operate off of garrison coding. For some, this is easy, like AQ-20. For others, not so much, like Hellfire Ramparts, which I can assure you the open world zone does not even match the same scale as the dungeon itself.

I’m a vocal advocate of updating the world-- ALL of the world --to match present events and give us the same visual clarity of zones we’ve received in the past few expansions. It’s entirely plausible that something like the second option can be worked in during the course of this potential world update, as would player housing.

I do not see Blizzard changing the way their instances work at their core just to appease a small portion of their playerbase who simply do not want to be inconvenienced to clear a raid or dungeon out just to shoot text at each other just for the sake of having a visual aid.


Well OP, Marionos at least finally read your post so he could Quote you OP.

Marionos you can type up an “expanded” explanation for your reasoning all you want to but your original post/thesis statement for your ‘argument’ as to why this is a ‘bad’ thing is telling the OP “No. This is bad and you are bad.”

When the Op didn’t even say or do anything to deserve such OUTRIGHT verbal abuse.

And Garrisons and flying have already been called " a removal of open world interaction with players" When sw does that all on it’s own really. On a server like ours events are held ALL THE TIME that have 50 to over 300 folks go out into the OPEN WORLD of Azeroth for open world rp. The fact of the matter is , is that THIS feature that OP is talking about would actually INCREASE player activity together as a community because it would allow folks that otherwise would not be able to attend an in instance rp event to attend that in instance event because the number of players allowed in a raid would increase. Thus bringing our community even closer together.

And this game may be “as old as dirt” But if they can redo the character creation screen in Shadowlands and give it “Empty space” for room for future development they can do it with both old and news raids. Especially considering all the work they have done with Classic as of recently.

And someone like you Marionos might even call the Character Creation customization options we are getting in Shadowlands a “Waste of time” " just to appease a small portion of their playerbase" Ya. You probably even hate the new tattoos and the new Worgen fur colors. You probably think no one is going to use those.

And the OP having the balls, much like myself despite not having real ones it is an expression, to post their dream and myself having SEEN forum posts CHANGE THIS GAME since I’ve been playing since Vanilla phase 3. I can PROMISE you that whether Blizzard actually does implement this dream of the OP’s into this game these forums HAVE and WILL have an impact on this game. And always will.


I read both threads’ OPs before even saying that, yo. But hey, you continue to believe I didn’t, and I stand by what I said all the way back then. This is still a complete waste of time and effort to give a very, very small amount of people slight convenience.

I’ll humor you. Tell me how, precisely, putting a lot of effort for this slight convenience will be game changing.