Go Old God Go!

The story skips ahead, our heroes end up traveling through time (however you’d like to explain it) to the future where everything has changed.

The only thing that remains, it seems, are our characters.

  1. Where do you envision we end up in terms of location?
    Are we somewhere in Azeroth, long after it’s been ruined and rebuilt?
    Are we somewhere else entirely?
  2. What NPCs survived the distance of time and space we’ve traveled?
  3. What new races do you see existing in this new, or long-since-changed land?
  4. What new heroes? villains?
  5. Anything else you can think of since this is just to get things started…

This is a chance to work with “new” lore without necessarily being locked into any of the old storylines or existing wow lore.

You could consider this either a distant expansion or WoW 2, whichever you prefer.

While we were away, the rest of the world of Azeroth moved on. Azeroth herself woke up, so the races had to find new homes. Thankfully, they had all developed primitive space travel by that time.

Some Humans made it to a far off region of space where they could inhabit a planet all their own. They used a simple name for their newfound home: “Earth”.

Two groups of Elves: Some High Elves and some Blood Elves landed on twin planets. The High Elves named theirs “Vulcan”, and the Blood Elves named theirs “Romulos”.

The Mag’har Orcs traveled to another planet which they called “Klingon”, to begin their empire anew.

Some Gnomes, Dwarves, Humans, and various other races, having heard of the first Humans original success, found another similar planet to all settle on together, which they called “Middle Earth” after the other planet.

The Draenei flew off in their ships to far off stars and settled on their new world, “Aiur”.

Other races, like the Demons, Undead, and some of Odyn’s Valarjar settled on a world they named “Sanctuary”.

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Lets bring the story full circle. Let the Old Gods win. Let them take Azeroth and convert it to what they want it to be, and let our final fight of the next expansion be the Old Gods trying to prevent us from activating Reorigination. Then, as Azeroth is being wiped clean, let the Alliance and Horde go through a newly built Dark Portal to another world where we’re all invaders, just as the Orcs were once in the past. This would give a whole new world for us to explore.


Long ago in a distant land, I, N’Zoth, the tentacled Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish band of loot hunters stepped forth to oppose me.

Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung them into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fools seek to return to the past, and undo the future that is N’Zoth!


My idea (modified from an old thread :wink:)

Faction Summary

Nature has completely taken over.

All the Orcs, Humans… Trolls…

All long gone.

Now there exists a third faction of characters created in this timeline.

All other faction characters would be created “in the past” and then end up finding their way to the future through whatever means gets you to not freak out about it.


The essential gnomes of the faction since they’d be the very tiniest.

A pixie would ideally be about as small as a battle pet.

Tribe Elves

The straggler remains of ALL OTHER ELF FACTIONS (we assume?)

I want them to be the “Tribal” equivalent of what humans became in the wastelands during Fallout 1 and (mostly) 2.

It would be cool to have different subsets to choose from, in other words, different elf tribes giving the player an option to start from (and have some initial skirmish/oppositional quests with the other elves until a certain unifying level or quest state).


Tree based spirits with ethereal bodies.

Whether you want them to look more like a tree versus a humanoid is kind of imaginatively up to you since I’m not really picking a side (could easily work like worgen in terms of transformation).

Conceptually, however, tree spirits make sense and giving them semi-transparent/ethereal bodies would be great.

FURTHERMORE (fun side idea) you could give tree spirits the racial passive of being able to see player ghosts.


I don’t want old style centaurs, or satyr, or anything that can be argued with.

I want to see some half humanoid, half animal (horse, goat, etc.) beings of various sorts, customizable to the max.


A long distant relative and longstanding survivor of the Naga, they have become the de facto rulers of the sea (and rest of the land therefrom).

  1. Make the lady neptunians pretty like Azshara :blush: (who I imagine is long gone) but much more humanoid looking.

  2. Male neptunians get a “Deep Sea King” inspiration, so to speak


Nzoth! Nzoth! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can! Go old god go!

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It’s so quiet in here…

…I kind of like it.


This person gets it.

I’d say a key feature of the expansion, beyond all else, would be the inclusion of a new ‘Submit Suggestion’ system, which would take the user directly to these forums instead of to the one-way-mirror-of-doom which is the current suggestion box.

I would actually really love this. I can imagine the return of the black empire. Multiple factions at war for the amusement of the Old Gods. We, the heroes, are fighting to get some semblance of order in this chaotic world. The main reason we haven’t been squashed by C’thun or Yogg-Saron is because these Old Gods are more fixated on the war they brew with each other than to deal with small fries like us.

Unlike in WoW 1 where everybody praises us and strokes our ego, in WoW 2 we’d be nobodies. In fact, our growing reputation risks earning the ire of the Old Gods, which is yet another cause of concern.

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Will Azeroth still have that sword plunged into her? The world may never know!

The old gods cover Azeroth and the playable races have fled to the elemental planes, the Emerald Dream, which we learn has become the elemental plane of life and the shadow lands, the plane of death. Each plane is a new faction but we mostly work together to fight the old gods.

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I have the eye and I can dreamwalk muahahaha

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Go Go Old God Rangers?

Sargeras ends up winning, erasing life in the universe, shutting out the void entirely in the process, and the only thing that survives are micrognomes that live inside the threads of left over bolts from the previous universe.

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I dont care as long as sylvanus and nathanos are dead.