Go back to Sharding

1 layer per continent.

Shard 1-30 (non-contested zones) as needed for the first few weeks.

Tbh, if someone could hit 60 in 4 days real time I’d be impressed and I’d send them a card while they recover in the hospital from lack of food/sleep/bathroom breaks. The world record in vanilla was 4 days 20 hours /played and took 7 days real time (and was obviously server first 60).

No. Layering is every day until it’s turned off. Sharding is early zones, like I suggested.

The beta was enough to show what a SMALL population could abuse. Now do that on a MUCH larger scale and wait for the inevitable QQ.

Think past your nose. Past it.

I’d be happy if they didn’t have it at all. But they’re clearly set on it and it’s not going to change at this point.

The “huge problems” with layering that people are discussing are massively blown out of proportion. The vast vast majority of people will never even be able to tell that layering is there before it’s gone.

You are putting a lot of faith in Ion and others saying they would “LIKE” to remove layering. Nothing is confirmed. There will be thousands of levels 60s before it is removed. Even if it is ONLY two weeks. All or most of them will literally be in a shard with other people NOT at their level. Alone… meaning…

They will be able to gather resources on their layer without ANY competition. Add the that the possibility of layer hopping to get even more…

Clearly you do not understand how important farming mats in Vanilla was. How being able to do it uncontested is going to make very FEW unbelievably rich.

Lipstick on a pig. Unless the limitations require you do be in a rested zone and have increasing CDs on swaps, 5 seconds, 5 minutes exc, it will not matter one iota.

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The population things the higher you level. Layers are continent wide. Like i said earlier, taking the last 20% of higher level characters spread across 3 layers will definitely show (echo, echo, echo, echo).

It’ll get lonely while it’s on. You don’t need to exploit anything to see it’s downside.

Yep, the unintended consequences of layering. People CRIED so much about sharding they made it worse for the overall game by layering. They need to massively shard 1-10, less for 11-20, even less for 20-25 and NONE ZERO ZILCH after level 40… this gives them some leeway (pun intended) to layer past 25 as need.

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Youtube has a few videos on exploration. I have 1-4 for human and UD warlock in around 40 minutes. Nelf is a bit trickier.

Even though I’ll level as fast as I can, I’d still vote for sharding 1-10 and leave it there. People have no idea of the lengths raiding guilds will go to, to get as many resources through layering.

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They really don’t. There was a census done and showed that between both realms they’re at ~3k concurrent at best over a 2 day span.

Which really makes layering look worse than it is. That is of course assuming that blizzard still plans on layering only after a certain population point.

Of course people cried. They weren’t told the alternative was worse.


So if they cry enough about layering, what do we get then?

Zone/Level specific Sharding like it should have been…

Ion saying that layering will be gone by phase 2 is confirmation. If you believe that’s just a straight up lie then that’s your problem.

On a single realm? Lol no. Maybe a few hundred on the most hardcore servers.

That would also be the case without layering or sharding. No layering or sharding means ~3k players on a realm and more realms. The outcome would be no different in that regard. This point is therefore moot.

Again, no different than more servers with smaller populations (around ~3k). Point is mootified.

No, no, it has to be worse, or it doesn’t fit the crybaby narrative.

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Here is the thing that is bothersome though. Say they decide to go back to sharding instead of layering. You will then have people complain about the fact sharding is in the game. They won’t be happy until there is none of these infrastructures set in the game. Then the result is people complaining because the game is having a bunch of issues, they can’t play/progress.

The point of it all is, people just can’t say “this is fine”. To me, layering is fine. It is fine because they put a time limit on its use. If it was permanant, I would say “this is not ok”.

That’s why I think Blizzard has decided to ignore us. Note how communication is getting slower the closer we get to launch? Normally there’d be more and more info, but they’re sick of the constant whining about every single blue post.


“You think you do but you dont.” I seem to remember someone high up at Blizz saying that too. Ion has NOT said WHEN layering will be removed. Period. “like to / before” is NOT confirmation of removal.

Did I say on a single realm? Nope. The point is they will be layered and alone unless they switch, because of GLOBAL layering picking up all of the low level people.

Sharding > Layering


My take, as long as none of this makes into the lvl. 30 zones, they can call it whatever they want.

It’s not even a problem. Where is the abuse? Other than the STV chest I have seen nothing that is going to have a significant impact on a server. Nothing.

They have NOT done that. There is not a single quote from Blizzard that says layering or sharding WILL be gone on [insert date] they say they would “LIKE” to have it gone by Phase 2… when is Phase 2… is there a release date for that? Nope I didnt think so.

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