Gnosis help

Anyone use this and know how to completely disable the “first time start frame” ? I have my profile loaded and the frame opens every time i login or reload and it is driving me insane. My profile is loaded and working. I do not need this pop up. Anyone know how to disable it forever?

As the person currently maintaining that addon you’d think I would know this…

I would try clicking the button for your profile on the start frame, closing the start frame, then immediately doing a reloadui.

The only reason it should be appearing is if you don’t have any bars configured for that char.

Yeah I’ve tried. It isn’t working. I’ve even tried doing a common setup and importing my bar settings but no dice. It always pops up. Think you could put in an option to just not have that pop up at all?

If you run…
/dump Gnosis:tsize(Gnosis.s.cbconf)
What value does it return?

Should be something like
[1]=5 or some other number > 0 after the =

If it’s 0 that’s why you’re getting the start frame.

I got [1]=0

can I manually change that in the lua?

I should also say this isn’t happening on my old chars. Only on new ones in Remix.

Your quickest fix is going to be to open Gnosis.lua
Find function Gnosis:CheckForFirstStart(bForce) should be line 1245, and add the word return on the line after it.

function Gnosis:CheckForFirstStart(bForce)
	if (self.s.bAddonEn and (bForce or ((not Gnosis.s) or self:tsize(Gnosis.s.cbconf) == 0))) then


function Gnosis:CheckForFirstStart(bForce)
	if (self.s.bAddonEn and (bForce or ((not Gnosis.s) or self:tsize(Gnosis.s.cbconf) == 0))) then

Ok I’ve made that change and I am getting errors nonstop in bugsack.

I had to change it back. Your fix killed the popup but there were errors galore.

Something is messed up with your SavedVariables then.

Make a copy of
\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\NAME\SERVER\CHARACTER\SavedVariables\Gnosis.lua

Then with the game not running, delete the original, and load into the char. Go through the first start process and you should be good going forward?

OK great that fixed it, looks like. Dunno what it could have been in that file.

Great addon I have been using for a long time, just got really frustrated there was no option to just disable the popup permanently. I knew there was a load bars setting in the actual options. Perhaps in the future you could add the turn off first time popup option?

It regularly popping up is an indication of a problem on the player’s end so adding an option to disable it wouldn’t be productive.

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