Gnomish Xray Specs should be revisited in light of consent

The engineering toy Gnomish X-Ray Specs removes other players clothing (client side), allowing the wearer to see anyone in their undies. Under the new social contract this toy doesn’t belong.

Recently encountered a player who was using the toy when I logged on. They whispered some inappropriate things about my character’s body despite being fully clothed. The person was blocked and reported.

This toy takes agency from players who don’t want to be viewed that way. The toy should either be removed from game or modified to do something else. Nudity should be the choice of the player, not something someone else can do to you.

Several toys that affected other players were modified to be opt-in or only affect party members like the Moonfeather Statue or the Brewfest Trophy.

I thought you appeared clothed if you had on a neural silencer but I may be remembering incorrectly.

To be fair, that sort of person could whisper those same comments regardless of whether they’re using the toy or not.

Not sure I’d say the toy doesn’t belong, but the actions of the player - whispering inappropriate things doesn’t. Considering it’s not really nudity and it’s of a character model not me I’m not personally bothered by the toy itself (don’t have a gnomish engineer so never used one). But I’d be annoyed at a random person whispering stuff to me. Or amused possibly depending on what they say.

I’d be happy enough if the xray specs effect was to change your character model to a skeleton. That still seems in character with the toy and less likely to offend.


To be honest, i have the specs and used to use them often. It was never about looking at people naked, but more of having a crappy computer. Without loading everyones armor it made the game playable. Of coarse that was back when i was broke and couldnt afford a good computiler

Oh no, seriously??? I am so sick of these complaints! You blocked and reported the guy, problem solved. Why come here and try to ruin a harmless toy for everyone else??? Not everyone uses it to be perverted. Ugh. People like you ruin fun for everyone.


Just as an fyi, nudity means no clothing, ie, naked. Being in underwear is no different than being in a swimsuit.

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If wow characters give you a woody, seek for help.

Why did you Necro this? That is the necro of Champion status. Bad form.

Really…youre really complaining about someone elses fun? They are pixels on the screen, fictional, and a game.