I’ve sacrificed everything. What have you given?
Hiya. I’m making a bunch of mechagnomes. Got a priest, warrior and hunter so far.
Hi so I just comment here regularly
Share your gnomes we need moreee.
I won’t list many but my favorite this week are Cat, Plinka, Sock, and ofc Rita on Velen, as well as Thomae on Emerald Dream!
I currently have not that many gnomes only have 2 my eu priest gnome known as zinxie and this one that I’m currently working on plan on unlocking mechagnomes and making one next
Are huggin’ arms different from normal arms? And if so how long does it take to change from one set to the other?
I also have Gnomerific and Gnometastic on Whisperwind.
What’s your luckydo?
Here I am!
I love Gnomes so much. Glad to see all of my brethren emerging
Here for the pink gnomes!
Ready for the great run, I see!
I do love my gnomes.
I love the star trek x potato crossover
As Captain of the Gnomeregan Morale Corps’ illustrious and celebrated Hug Brigade, these arms never come off.
Also because I’m not a mechagnome, so them coming off in general would be kind of a problem, period.
I made this guild back when class trainers were still a thing so I could stand around starter towns and see if anyone tried to click on me.
Oh a pot luck.
im a time traveler. i originate from the year 1923