Gnomes are A OK in my book

“Well, you know, when I think about Warcraft gnomes, man, it’s like they got that swagger, that style, you know what I’m sayin’? They might be small in size, but they got big hearts and big ideas. It’s like they always goin’ against the odds, takin’ on giants and dragons and whatnot. Plus, they got this whole tech vibe goin’ on, inventin’ stuff, tinkering with gadgets—you gotta respect that hustle, man. And hey, they ain’t afraid to mix it up in battle either, hold their own with the best of 'em. Warcraft gnomes, they just got that flavor, that’s why I dig 'em.”


must be a pretty short book




no not you

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Gnomes are ok, I Still remember whacky video of punting them but They grown on me MostlY I enjoy playign mechagnomes since well

Truth be told I love steampunk tech and Any thing like High tech race is fine.

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thanks, op, ur so skibidi and fanum tax <3


I still adore the humor. :robot::+1:

Lord Malgath yells: I have witnessed horrors that would put your darkest nightmares to shame, but I have never seen anything as as terrifying as THIS… an angry gnomish inventor.

Lord Malgath yells: I sense great fury and bitterness in this gnome. She has kept these feelings bottled up for so long. It is only a matter of time before she explodes.

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Who are you quoting, OP?

I wish we see more the Manaastorm =(

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He’s in Dornogal with Valeera. :world_map::robot:

…both characters can be important to War Within considering the connection to Xal’atath and Anduin/Arthas. We’ll see if they touch that potential. :8ball::robot:

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I can’t imagine playing a gnome. Just… gross. But its cool they are there for coughwierdoscough people who like them.

Gnome freaks

Gnomes are A-ok in my book too. It’s entitled To Serve Gnome.

Eh Gnome be alliance comic raice to have laugh with much like goblin… I wonder if we get Mechgoblins… Ooohhhh

So, a small book, is it?

(casts the curse of burgy blackheart on the Draenei) :robot::magic_wand:

You look like a genie.


See, being a gnome is a curse!

Gnome has nice racials 1% haste…