Gnomes and Goblins

I will join you, fellow inventive smol.

Who still have their steamboat from Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarge?

They already have. Remember that goblin/gnome married couple in Boralus? I think it was part of the Mechagon questline.

I just want to see a goblin/gnome hybrid race now.

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I’m not sure although they developed new boat racing during the novels. :blue_book::robot:

Depending on if wow uses DnD designs-- :robot::thought_balloon:

/looks at K’thir

Gnoblins? :robot::grey_question:

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Well, last time a pair of Gnomes worked together, they got married.


I used to say we needed mechagnomes until we actually got them.

I’ve learned my lesson about asking for mechanized anything in this game.

Oh wow, it’s already a thing! Yes, those please.

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Leper gnomes

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Curious if Gnoblin ears could be a fun concept similar to Arathi half elf ears. :robot::thought_balloon:

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They would kill each other and we all would be dead with so many mana bombs exploding every where.

Off topic, but I have now seen several screenshots like this.

Is “lamplighter” some kind of organisation in TWW?
And if so, is that really the best name they could come up with?

All I can find is the tabards for Arathi Renown, The Assembled, Nerubian Renown, and Honorary Councilmember. :mag::robot:

This is great! xD lol

Lots of explosions
Lots of death
No more gnomes/goblins
Dwarves aren’t dumb enough to join this coalition, nor do the goblins and gnomes have anything that resembles good enough ale to coerce them into it.

I feel like Vulpera would be needed as well to reign in Goblin greed and protect Gnomes from their occasional mad-scientist-esque insanity.