Gnomes and Goblins Heritage Sets

Would be nice if we get like a Mecha heritage set on gnomes and a Shredder Heritage set on goblins!


Points at the current heritage sets for both races
blinks again
I am brute.


I’d rather get a Tinker class. Considering that’s most of the cultural significance of Goblins and Gnomes.

It would be like having access to night elves, and all their quest lines about Druids, and All their Druid themed zones, and their racial leader is also a Druid.
But you, the player, can’t be a night elf Druid.

Goblins and gnomes are all about tinkers, their racial leaders are Tinkers, gazlowe was literally the tinker hero from wc3.
But you, the player, can’t be a Goblin/Gnome Tinker. How strange.

The heritage armor for both races are cool. My favorite 2 heritage armors in the game. It just feels weird to be a goblin, with my pilot goggles, my tool belt, and my overalls, and my shoulder mounted rocket launcher, and yet blizz expects me to play a mage or a warrior or something.

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Same with Draenei and Orcs too. Maghar Set on the Regular Orcs and the Lightforged Draenei Set on the Draenei.

Can confirm. The goblin heritage armour is by far the worst out of all them.


I say the Worgen Heritage is by far the worse out of the lot.


Nah. Worgen shoulders don’t match their set, true. But other than that, it’s not bad looking. The goblin one the other hand is just sad. Blizz basically used the excuse of “goblins be scrappy” to make a hodge-podge set that doesn’t have any cohesive theme or look good for any class in the game.


Actually, you are right. I didn’t even noticed the goblin heritage armor until I looked at WoWHead, and my god, it is awful.


And now you know my pain (goblin main). Literally every other heritage armour is fine, more or less. But the goblin one…yeesh. Just terrible. There’s a reason why you occasionally see people running in NB or velf or ZT or MO heritage armour, but never will you see anyone using the goblin set. You will even see people using the human set despite the fact that the warfont plate set is vastly superior. Sucks to be a human non-plate class player though lol.

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I mean I like the armor, it’s just nonsense with WoW’s current class line up.

Why would I play a Techie race, with a Techie suit of armor, and be expected to play a mage or a priest.

Doesn’t really fit.

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troll be da most ancient race on azeroth and still no heritage armor.


I kinda like the Worgen heritage set, reminds of british fashion at 1800’s.

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Worgen heritage set looks like a mascot from a non-existant were-wolf themed burger joint.


Our heritage boots are invisible, and take up the “hide boots” button, so we have to pay gold to hide boots.

I wouldn’t mind the worgen set if there was also an armor version of it. The Orc and Human heritage sets showed that Blizz can have different colors and armor variants for heritage armor.

I was really hoping they had gone the full bling route for goblins.

I agree. Just in general heritage armor is designed around a spec or two, and seems inappropriate on other classes. Blood Elf heritage armor looks great on a mage, but on a rogue? Not hardly.

As far as Goblin heritage armor is concerned, the native garb of female Goblins is slinky party dresses. Just look at how they’re dressed in the starting zone. If I can buy a chain mail slinky party dress in real life, my Goblin hunter should be able to wear one.

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I think baseline yeah but you can tweak it to be pretty cool I think.

All the goblin heritage armor needs is some random bomb or missile exploding animation that occurs arbitrarily. Doesn’t have to be terribly over the top or anything.