Gnomercy! bugged

Not getting credit for getting in the spider tank

Not even getting the option to talk to him after I jump out of the plane.

Yeah Im not getting credit for getting in the tank either…

Guess we can add this to the numerous list of current gliches they didn’t know about at the time of the patch!

Abandon the quest, retake, unshrink the tank. that worked for me

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Yea I tried that a few times already, even tied logging out for a while, still no luck.

Having the same issue. I’ve dropped the quest, turned off all addons, started the quest again. Tried killing all the Troggs, but it won’t update beyond “Commandeer the Assault Tank”

Same issue with Spider tank. Cannot commandeer so am stuck. Reset UI, waited through a reset. Tried with and without water elemental present. With and without addons. After a reload, after a restart. Abandoned and reacquired the quest. Same results in all cases. Commandeering tank does not register to advance quest.

Hopefully we’ll see a hot fix soon! :smile:

I got it to work I abandoned quest, picked it up again, then reloaded ui. after that unshrunk and jumped in tank and it finally gave me credit for it


This worked for me also!

thank you i was so stuck :slight_smile: worked for me also !

Gotta click on the tank while it’s growing – don’t wait for it to be full sized


Worked for me as well, ty

Worked for me as well! Thanks!!!

I tried repeatedly to abandon, reacquire quest, reload ui, unshrink, commandeer and was met with failure to advance the quest. Tried again by clicking on the tank WHILE it was unshrinking and it worked. Not sure if I just beat it into submission by repeatedly doing it. Or if the commandeering while unshrinking was the key. I hadn’t completed the Hati quest yet either, so it was sitting there in Storm Peaks too. I’m not sure if that’s relevant or not, but it’s another bit of info that might help someone.

Sigh… the bug either is still there or got put back with the last patch.
Tried that quest on an alt today and again “Commandeer the Assault Tank” is as far as you can get.

Ok, on the seventh time dropping the quest and picking it back up again the software finally recognized I got on the tank and let me finish.

Four years later, and still same problem. Your solution worked for me also.

April 2024
Had exact problem. Complete logged out and back in. Clicked twice on the Tank while shrunk, and then got on.
What was different from last time, is that each of the Troggs, when killed, NOW registered as #/30, whereas before, no matter how many Troggs were killed it neither said how many had died, and how many you had to kill to complete the Quest. (30 Troggs)

FINALLY! :smiley: