How much of a throw is it not to play it?
Really dislike gnome appearance/visuals/mog/voices since obviously BELF is superior mog and aesthetics.
I just know that haste racial is good for hitting the 15% haste needed for fury and the obvious 1 minute rootbreak.
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I feel what Setback is trying to say in this post is that Mechagnomes are best with Gnomes being a close second for a variety of reasons. Mostly, just best.
False. Belf fury warrior BiS mog. Gnome won’t ever look this good but im wondering if its equiv to nelf for rogue/feral.
Not bad but your mog could use some work
prob why you struggle with getting kited
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My Mechagnome just got the Bad Mojo Mask from ZF, you can’t beat that!
Edit: Maybe I’m just excited to play a mage again lol
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Its a crime that the skirt forces you to have the waistguard even with it turned off.
Blizzard needs to nerf that time now and attach it to belt transmog.
Use the purple shirt from trial of style
no belt it looks absolutely fire
she has it
Yours shows the plunderstorm one yea?
Mine is better. I just wish that waistguard was attached to the actual belt mog and not the legs. Woulda been perfect. The shirt matches way better for Belf
Okay you beat my Mechagnome xmog. I admit it.
Edit: But only by a little…
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Nothing can make diaper gnomes or regular gnomes look appealing.
Besides BiS racial on reg gnome /sigh
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Gnome is good, but it’s not like it’s NE rogue lvls of strong. IMO unless you’re pushing R1 it’s not worth it because they’re SO ugly D:
Good to know. sometimes i feel like oh I could have won if i had gnome there to close it out but idk its such an UGLY race
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You say ugly, but your undead eye sockets say gnomes are lovely!
The main guy I play with is a worgen
Literally can’t tigers lust him when he has his racial running
I think if you’re blaming racials for a loss you’re limiting yourself on what other plays you could have done to win the game
Gnome is very insane on warrior though
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No one makes eye sockets look good like me
Your not wrong but plenty of times your rooted and they are low just out of ur range like REEE DO I GO GNOME!?
lol okay back to leveling Sposcorky!