Gnome Rogue vs other Rogue

Debating between both races, Escape Artist is my #1 seller for going gnome in classic then probably human mage, curious if many people are going to Humans, Dwarves, or Night Elves for a rogue

For Classic the correct answer either is Forsaken, Troll or Orc.


Gnomes or Dwarves are far and away the best races on a PvP server. If you’re going PvE then Human for rogue, gnome for mage.

For alliance rogue I would go Dwarf. Stoneform is OP.

night elves get a cool flip when they jump. humans dominate every other race of rogues because of perception. dwarves are fat and ugly.

Gnome Engineers are the best for any pvp, your battle chickens and dragonlings will be insane levels and slaughter your foes.

…at least, if Blizzard honors #NoChanges and unnerfs eng trinket summons to scale with eng skill level as they did all the way up until WOTLK.