Gnome Monks... Play one

Trust me you’ll enjoy it so much

Look tiny towards others but you get the satisfaction of downing a Zandalari/Tauren, or anything tall in general

Roll around like a tiny ball too


i have 1 that is fun :facepunch:

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No thanks. I have a dwarf Monk and they’re the best Alliance race.


I was able to get to a spot in the goldshire inn that no other class/race combo can get to

Only gnome Monks can be there

That makes it a win

Dwarves are awesome, but they are clearly number 2 in the best Alliance race list with Gnomes taking the top.


You shouldn’t be going to our inn no matter what race you are.

Disgusting :persevere::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_with_thermometer::mask:

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I’m terrified as to what spot they are talking about. :sweat_smile:

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Why would anyone want to do that?

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Could you imagine the variations of Yoda if Goblins could be monks"?

Or if Gnomes could be green?

Tauren are the best monks. That is a fact.

Do you require healing?

I’m sickened, but curious.

Sounds fun, but I’d much rather wait for the junker gnomes and become a cyber monk.

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This suddenly gave me a mental picture of Gnomes replacing Zenyatta in Overwatch. I like this mental picture.

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food, not mains

they called leper gnomes

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No! Pandaren monks are the master monk race! How dare you gnome! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No, you can’t make me

Your hat is bigger than your face, OP.

Monks need to be Pandaren, always. That’s just the way it is.

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I can confirm that Gnome Monks are in fact very fun.