Gnomes (and probably vulpera and goblins, but who cares about them) get line of sight’d by the stupidest things.
But this is just ridiculous – a gnome gets Line of sight’d by the dais that the Stone Golem “Shards” stand on in Halls of Atonement. Aside from the fact that it means you have to either stay way far back (which really sucks if you have a group that skips the closest pack to the wall) or move really close, which is really cool considering there are giant swirlies on the ground that you want to avoid.
Why are races not equalized in LoS? Seriously. Height can’t be unlinked from LoS? It’s an actual legit disadvantage to be a gnome in these cases (and there are many other well known LoS issues with gnomes, too)
I recall doing first aid on my first gnome. I got a quest to go to Theramore and do some sort of matching/healing game to win a title. I was so excited! Then I found that gnomes were too short to complete that quest because in the cramped room it was in, you couldn’t see over the tables.
Gnomes (and their furry and also ugly cousins) are tiny little things that make them a pain in the *** to see in melee in PvP, and they also fit into tinier spaces than the meaningful species of playable character.
You should just be happy that for some reason you’re allowed to be a [melee either than rogue] because I’m pretty sure weapons being held by real species weigh more than the gnome/goblin/furry…and yet they some how aren’t sent on a line drive by melee combat.
Play tiny games, win tiny prizes.
Use a world shrinker or race change to a species more meaningful…
Totally feel you, OP. I had to racechange away from a gnome because I kept getting wonky camera zooms in Horrific Visions and dying to bad. It was infuriating.
God, now I’m getting flashbacks to 5 Mask Orgrimmar as a gnome rogue. I hope we never again have to fight in that hellscape.
In all of BFA I got dizzy with the shortest races when they changed the camera – I had to race change away. Luckily I’ve acclimated, but this is a real concern – like I was like why am I not healing – and then realized I CANNOT FRIGGEN SEE OVER ONE STEP.
I realize it sounds super funny, but imagine having to completely change your positioning because of your race choice. This is worse than the TAURENS ARE TOO BIG FOR THE 3RD BOSS OF BWL issue back in Classic.
In fact, and I don’t know this for sure, I bet I get thrown up longer when there’s a ceiling too – on the 2nd boss in SoA you can stand on the ledges and get knocked into the ceiling. I bet a tall race hits it sooner which drastically reduces the air time if you get hit, and a small race will still have to travel further.
There are plenty of examples where gameplay trumps logic. Why was my mount bigger than yours for years? Oh yah. Oh, and choose a different haircut, princess.
In fact, Taurens used to not fit through doors and they fixed that for some cases.
Back when the Black Morass opening of the dark portal came out being a tank you could drown in the swamp while tanking. And if you were in combat and couldn’t mount you had to swim.
I remember the fire place in arathi - Strom garde. If other races fell down the chimney, they had to hearth or die. Gnomes could freely walk in and out of it.
I also tanked the big fire breathing golem in brd (right before thaurissan) by walking under one of the wall skirting things. It was a tiny little alcove where only I could stand.
Also, running the gauntlet before dragon boss in dark heart thicket and having to swim parts of it while collecting dragon whelps.
I literally get stuck in steps, puddles and cracks on the ground.
I literally have to swim in puddles that barely even cover my main’s hooves.
It’s kinda funny tbh xD
It’s also pretty logical, like, we’re tiny, why shouldn’t it affect us? Big characters get stuck in doors and low hanging branches and such and that’s also ok.