Gnome hunters a question

how happy are you with your gnome? i keep meaning to make an alliance hunter as i have a few horde hunters. and gnome is one of the races i’ve been really thinking about.

the only real issue i see is the giant head thing making helms look weird. it’s like that on my goblins too. but if you hide your helm then it’s mostly okay right?

I like being a gnome, I love being small, escape artist is awesome.

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i haven’t even looked into their racials. will have to do that. lol. i love the model of the gnomes, but the thing i worry about is looking weird with helms as i said. i have a couple of gnome casters that i haven’t really mogged or anything that are weirding heirlooms with the helm turned off.

Another potential Gnome Hunter here with a question :slight_smile:

Do Gnome ears stick out through any helmets? It makes sense with Elves, so I can live with it, but Gnomes, that drives me crazy. I know it used to in TBC, if it hasn’t been changed I shall not be a Gnome after all :frowning:

Just remember to feed your pet Gnomes make great “bite sized” snacks.

I race changed to a Gnome back in Legion, but I only lasted a week. I couldn’t handle the clipping of my weapons into the ground. It drove me absolutely nuts to lose the bottom third of my bow when I wasn’t actively firing it. Also, many of my favourite transmog shoulders clipped into my head because they were so large, or I couldn’t see my chest piece because I was so small.

Other than that, I really liked being a Gnome. I just couldn’t get past those annoying details.

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Gnome ears don’t stick out. They aren’t pointy

Honestly, gnomes are badass. They get a little haste, they get a little extra focus and like I said, Escape Artist is awesome in PvP cause of its short cooldown and the fact that it doesn’t share a cooldown with your trinket

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I don’t like helms on gnomes either, luckily they have some of the best haircuts so you wouldn’t want to wear one anyway.

And no the ears don’t show on any of the helms I’ve ever tried.

As far as weapon clipping goes the best solution seems to be to always keep your bow or gun at the ready. There is even an addon StayUnsheathed so you don’t have to do it manually.

Im kind of jealous of the mechanical pets and the gnome heritage armor doesnt look that bad.

When the gnome hertiage armor launches i mite lvl a gnome hunter.

Just find the toy Burgy Blackhearts Handsome Hat. It’s a toy off a rare mob in the aquatic zone Vashir or whatever it’s called, but using the hat turns you into a gome. It also makes your mounts bigger after you’ve used the hat and turned into a gnome and you get a ghostly transparent effect which is pretty cool. How I get my gnome fix as an orc hunter.

I tried being a gnome and was surprised that no one took me seriously umm ok I guess tmog looks good