Gnome Heritage Armor?!

Any word on this?

what is left to say? Its coming in the next patch 8.2. like other Old race armors need 120 of that race leveled or boosted that is exalted with gnomeregan. would have been faster just to google all this yourself really


It also is not easy to get to exalted with Gnomeregan.

I did it in Legion, so I could wear the cape mog. I wore the Gnome tabard and did normal botanica over and over, resetting after each.

So that would be a fun project for a Gnome to do NOW, during this lull in BFA.

I did the BE fairly quickly with the tabard running all the BC heroics once instead of running botanica over and over. It went a lot faster for me that way.

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Doing the dailies in Icecrown’s Argent Tournament can be helpful too. Championing a particular race.

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Why not us? Why not now? It’s OUR time!

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Eh, as someone who levels dungeons wearing tabards its actually rather easy. I have exalted on mostly all my Blood Elves with Silvermoon but thats because I buy a tabbard right away and p much forget about it. The only exception is my DH because I never got to do Legacy content. But she still is maxed out on both Undercity (the tabard I started her out on) and now Silvermoon I think I got that by doing timewalking? Im not even sure how I maxed it on this char as I did the scenario on my pally.

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Leaked concept art from Gnome Heritage Armor…

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You can run mecha normal with tabard and be exalted within the hour. The key is to wait a few extra minutes after a clear as to not instance lock yourself out.

What? It’s incredibly easy to get to Exalted with Gnomeregan. Especially for a gnome.