Mechagnomes were a failure in general. Bad race, bad aesthetic, can’t even transmog them.
Give regular gnomes their hairstyles as customization options.
Also, change our heckin’ eyebrow colors to match our hair color. That is all. We are not your cheap date.
While we’re here, I’d love some nose paint selections! Teeny little boop spots AHHHH SO CUTE!! 

I feel that it would be very easy to implement, very cute, very boop. That is all for me today.
Give us female gnomes lipstick colors and eyeshadows and we have a deal.
I wanna be a goth gnome.
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when do we get Mechanogoblins ?
When leveling a character in WoW classic, the biggest deals when looting a corpse are loot bags for storage and a level 19 defias rogue mask
Other classes get left out and it’d change up the norm by giving them pointy hats
I want my Blood DK Gnome to have blood red eyes.
The same time your people stop spontaneously detonating.
I can assure you the Gobos love when I explode.
you gotta looooove some rocked jumping.
No. Mechanogoblins were tried. They exploded.
Yeah, and there were many complaints about the mechagnomes, because they were “too mechanical”. People dont like that.
They like hot and explosive.
Was going to support…now not so much.
Look at yourself in the mirror. And ask yourself. Was the diaper worth it?