Gnolls would make a fair Alliance-counterpart to the Horde's Vulpera allied race

I LOATHE the KT rigs. The animations are terrible!
I wanted to play a KT shaman & druid; that VERY quickly changed when I saw the animations for them… :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

Not to mention the underwhelming customization of them. None of them look unique. All 4 of their face options look the same.

Well, looking back I think my original post is worded more harshly than is really fair.

Having said that, I still maintain Gnolls would make a cool addition to the Alliance, and would honestly be very comparable to Vulpera.

For a proper Horde counterpart, I think honestly it would probably just have to be another tribe of Trolls. Not sure exactly which one (I’m not super knowledgeable on Troll lore), so any picks that stand out?