GM please forward my request to the development team?

I want to complain that I can’t create a Raid group without the Blizzard authenticator! I think this is absurd, it could be SMS authentication or email authentication like other companies. Epic Games, Gamepass, Xbox, Microsoft, etc… Forcing me to install applications on my personal cell phone is not cool! even more so to create a games room! I already had problems with the authenticator and was forced to spend 4 days without playing! It’s absurd not to be able to create a raid group! It is a lack of respect and an obligation to install the application! it’s wrong!

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Send it through the in-game feedback through the Support option.


Fine, I guess I’ll forward this for you. That’ll be $5.

There are no GMs on the forums. The Community Managers who are here do relay suggestions to the Dev team though.

I will point out that they are unlikely to reverse the rules at this point. You can make a group without an Authenticator, but you can’t make a custom title.

What? Does it annoy you to list your groups as “Molten Core” or “Sepulcher of the First Ones” now?


Two factor authentication is becoming the standard. Might as well ride the wave so you don’t end up broken on the rocks.


But you have pre installed apps on your phone the moment you turn it on…

My only gripe with the Authenticator app is that you can’t use a third-party app like your password manager, Authy, or apps from Google and Microsoft for this purpose. I guess it is what it is though.

Even if we could use one of those, I’d still prefer the way the current one gives you a notification when an unfamiliar login request is sent, and the ability to approve or decline it directly from that notification.


Is it also a slap in the face?

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Did something change? I always thought non-authenticator people could still create groups - they just couldn’t add a custom description or text

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Not that I know of. I believe you are correct. They can still make groups, just not custom titles.

I suspect these types of threads are created by some sort of shadowy “bot lobbying group” in the background or something, because most normal people already own a cell phone

I don’t get it in the context of normal people… but when you look at it from the conspiracy angle of bots and multi-boxer types feeling inconvenienced by having to pay for multiple cell phones and such, then these threads start to make sense :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :dollar:

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Looks like the same hyperbolic overreaction that’s pretty common around here.

So a more corrupt Skynet?

I have this but have no app on my phone . I know at some point the number gen is going to go dead . At that point will just use the text one .