GM closes ticket because they dont want to address issue

honestly it me 3 years to get them to change my name on account after i got married sent in tickets and stuff and finnaly got an answer this month after one went through…

so honestly they are awful


probably to busy reading
the in house Marxist training manual


Imagine pretending blizzard aren’t greed driven capitalist…

What company isn’t trying to get money? Even the little girl selling her lemonade is in the business of making money :roll_eyes:


Have you tried Old Republic? The storylines are fun and interesting up through Shadow of Revan expansion.

Is it active? I’ll have to try it out

There’s making money and then there is activision

it really is good story
and lots more solo content than wow

I didn’t like 7.0. Have they reverted some of the things they did? Like the horrid UI layout?

7.0 is probably the worst expansion in MMO history tbh so that’s no surprise.


Hmm you might be right. 6.1 for WoW was pretty damn bad but 7.0 SWTOR made me quit.


my employees don’t work for free… not even close considering untrained they start at about $20/hr. I always find some of these posts around here implying that profits shouldn’t be made.

Not like it used to be, but there’s still a decent amount of people.

There’s also a huge guild that’s got a bunch of branch guilds that do all sorts of stuff together. They’re called the Sanctuary and they’re really nice and chill. You can join their main guilds if you think you’ll be active enough or you can join their alt guilds where there are much more lax requirements.

They’re on the Star Forge server. You can just whisper someone in the guild and they’ll get you in touch with someone else to talk about an invite. They’re always on the top of the Conquest charts, which is a bonus.

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They fixed the inventory issue, but the rest of the stupid layout is still the same.

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Make sure to report. GMs should not close your ticket before the issue is solved, or before telling you why it cannot or will not be solved.

there’s a difference between “they didn’t address the issue” and “i didn’t get the answer i wanted”

not saying that’s what happened here, but worth mentioning…

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I am sorry for the frustration this may have caused you. Ari. There are a lot of issues that Game Masters deal every day, and many of them caused by an addon or corrupted file. Resetting your User Interface is such a standard initial troubleshooting step that sometimes we forget that not everyone is familiar with it. I apologize that the Game Master didn’t warn you what resetting your UI entailed.

I’m not seeing any point where a Game Master simply closed your ticket without a response. Your last ticket, the one where you said you will keep at this until you get a resolution, was addressed.

They did not provide the requested compensation for the time you have spent on your addons/UI, but they did apologize for the frustration this has caused and let you know that we would be unable to grant your request.

Again, I’m sorry if you felt like your concerns were being dismissed, that absolutely isn’t the case. Our staff has specific situations in which they may be able to provide some kind of compensation and I’m afraid they were unable to in this case.

As for the issue itself. I’m not sure why you can’t see your guild reputation bar, but I did a check on both of the characters you originally provided and I am seeing gains, so it does appear that the character it receiving rep. I also double checked those characters in-game and can see the guild reputation bar without any issue.

If you still can’t, it does sound like a UI issue, though I’m not sure why you’d still be experiencing it if you did a proper UI reset.

I’m going to lock this thread up, but if you still have an issue with your UI feel free to create a new thread and we’ll see what we can do to help troubleshoot.