GM closes ticket because they dont want to address issue

You would be better off moving this to the CS forum. It serves as an Information Desk where they can explain the support system, help you navigate it, explain policies, etc.

To move your post, you can hit the edit pencil button and from a drop down near the title you can switch to the CS forum and it will move it.

You will also want to review the thread on what GMs can, and more importantly, can’t do.

GMs are bound by their tools, as well as policies. For example they can’t give game hints, don’t fix bugs on an individual bases without Dev permission, don’t take bug reports, etc.

Sometimes what the customer wants is not something they can do - either because the tools don’t allow it, the logs don’t support it, or policies prevent it.

If you want to share your issue, someone here may be able to provide insight into it.