Glyphs/Skills for DH going forward

Hey y’all

Just thought I would start a discussion about the hopeful return of more glyphs AND skills like monks zen flight.

In the glyph department I know I’m hoping for one that allows for a different aesthetic than metamorphosis. Idk what the animation could be but I think that would be nice.

In the realm of new skills I’m hoping we get something like zen flight that allows us to take off with our wings. It could work just like zen flight with the pros and cons but we have wings and I would love to use mine.

(Constructive) Thoughts? What would you like to see in the sense of things like this?


If not full out flying mount capabilities, I suppose this would suffice. But we need something along these lines!

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Eye beam color change glyph. Also glyph of meta, which turns our meta into the original one (like locks), it would be a great to see locks reactions to that.


Oo yea!

I was just thinking the other day that I would love purple fire for us if it’s at all a possibility.

I’m down for more purple stuff period though, haha.


If they would be down to make different forms of metamorphosis for different demons that would be amazing and different color eye beams to match your tattoos would be cool not that I wouldn’t use green still lol but I’d reallyyyyyyyyy love a glyph that’s changed throw glaive to a fel lance animation like when you use rain from above so we could be shooting fel blasts like in the illidan novel that’s prolly the biggest glyph i would want but one that changed blur to to look more like your covered in shadows like darkness and how illidan has it come out his pores would be sick too


Glyph of Human- "This glyph now changes your race from Night Elf, to a Human.

But why!

Because god loves the Infantry, that’s why!

ooo yes!

I’ve been thinking about your throw glaive suggestion for a while now, just forgot to add it to the OP. i completely agree. I would be fine with the fel lance bolt or a shadow bolt thingy.

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Another color I’d love to see is the dark saturated pure red from the PvP variant of the mage tower Havoc artifact:

Imagine an Eye Beam with that color mask. I’d love to see that as a color option for a lot of our fire and energy attacks, actually (Eye Beam, Immo Aura, Sigil, etc). It’s starkly different from the other fire effects out there, and in general that sort of pure but dark red is a color that is actually fairly rare amongst WoW’s spell effects. Purple is fairly common, but dark red, not so much.

Edit: actually, that image show more orange fire than is present on the actual skin in-game. You can see a better version here, though it’s still not as striking as it is in-game:


i second the dark red color as well


I definitely think we should have Glyphs that recolor our spells to matching colors of our tattoos.

It’s always felt strange picking a color other than bright green for body tattoos given the fact our spells are exclusively bright green in color.

As a person who likes having matching aesthetics, it really limits my options!


I definitely miss Blood let, for PvP, for those dicey rogues when you can’t avoid the “Step/sap”. (latency? Maybe i’m just bad, yeah that’s probably it) I always seem to be on global when they do it :angry:

“Give me Bloodlet, or give me death!”

but no seriously, I want blood let back not as a talent, but baked into throw glaive. I would love the slow added to throw glaive with two charges as well, but I won’t be greedy since DHs have high uptime on targets.


wholeheartedly agree and support this idea


Very much seconded.

Preach brother!



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That shouldn’t be a glyph, that should be baseline. Blizzard promised us that it would be back in Legion development, and then simply forgot about it as soon as they hit a single technical hurdle.

Finally went and got a screenshot of what it looks like in-game. I don’t actually own the tint, so you have to make do with the angle.

Imagine our Eye Beam and Immo Aura and Sigil of Flame being that color. <squee>


I would love this, especially if we are locked into demonic builds the entire expansion again. I wouldn’t mind something similar to the warlock glyph for meta that just gave them wings and tank spells in mop or whenever it was. I’d also takes something similar to glyph of the stars though.

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Can we get a glyph that lets us be in our armor for demon form and also different demon forms? After a while I get really tired of the same demon.

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