GLYPHS, we need more GLYPHSSS

Seriously, though, like why aren’t there piles of glyphs floating around when they’d be so easy to implement? I just realized how wicked awesome GW is with the Heartsbane Grimoire toy, and it’s a big-time disappointment when it doesn’t work as soon as it’s cancelled once… That would be a wicked-cool glyph to have the option for… But seriously, there are piles of models floating around for damn near every class and spec, we should have options for them all, why not? Roll out a pile of new glyphs, I’m positive everybody would be thrilled about them.


I want paladin and priest racial “glyphs”, similar to warlock green fire.


I used to be a Demo Lock, so I was used to having purple spells and green spells.

Since they turned Demon into “the spec that calls for help”, I changed to Destruction.

Now everything is green.

So I wish I had a Glyph to turn Chaos Bolt purple.

“Glyph of Dark Chaos”, maybe :smiley:


I always support adding more vanity items, +1.


Yes. Soooo much yes!

Ive been dropping this idea in every relevant thread ive seen, but glyphs for non playable classes would be awesome.

Like witchdoctor glyphs for shaman that make their fire blue spirit fire and their lighting purple and shadowy (like magatha’s when shes your bodyguard in legion)

Necromancer glyphs for warlocks that make fire spells icy and your pets look like undead.

Druid of the flame, drust magic, and nightmare glyphs for druids.

Paladins and priests can get purple/blue light for holy spells to be exarchs and priestesses of elune.

These are just a few examples but theres so much untapped potential with glyphs


Glyphs have always been lit for customisation, make the character more “yours”. And yet it’s always been lacking! not to mention giving professions more to craft! ugh, missed opportunities


A glyph to run in midair when using levitate, instead of ineptly floating, please! :cloud:


I want a Monk glyph that replaces some animations with the default unarmed and fist weapon animations for a more Brawler feel.


I vote yes!

There’s so many freaking ideas ^^^ and a horribly unaccommodating glyph count… Seriously Blizz, look into this one, keep posting people, so many good ideas popping up here!

Yes! More Glyphs would be great!

Especially more Ghost Wolf Glyphs. Glyph of the Spectral Marsuul anyone?


Do rogues even have any glyphs worth grabbing?

There used to be a lot of fun glyphs.

There used to be a glyph book where you could create cool effects by applying multiple effects to a single spell. Remember giant cataclysm water elementals, mages?

Then they decided that…this…was somehow an improvement.

Glyph of Disguise. I use it a lot when i’m bored.

I like doing things like this with it…

Yes, that is me with my pet Tyrande.


Yes please more vanities. :heart_eyes:

I think the only glyph I have used since they went cosmetic only is the one for boomkin form to not look like a boring animal but sorta like yourself but astral or whatever. This is having all classes at 110 plus. Could care less about the rest of them.

Glyphs should be a no-brainer.

How the Dev team continues to ignore their potential is beyond me…

This current glyph system is awful. The worst change was the 1 glyph per spell limitation, preventing us from stacking glyphs which should logically be able to stack. I miss my tiny cata water elemental with his running animation playing at triple speed as he desperately tried to keep up with me.

The glyph system needs to be reverted to one of the earlier systems. Any system was better than this.

I wantz a seahorse aquatic form
And dreamrunner stag form!
Ooh and falcon flight form!

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