Glyph to hide incarn: tree?

can we have some consistency if we’re going to force incarn:TOL via the tier set?

how does glyph of stars hide moonkin’s incarn but resto druids are still stuck in the form of a talent that’s borderline mandatory? a form that’s forced from the tier set of not only this season, but now the final season… and presumably into next xpac

perhaps a glyph to hide the abomination that is this form? a green glow over our standard caster form? how has it been 14 years of it looking like that? how do we get 10 different flavors of every form this patch but we can’t have the option of “not looking like broccoli” aside from accepting a massive HPS loss

it isn’t just a short duration, i’d wager it’s half of the time i’m in combat - half of the time i’m in combat i have no uniqueness to my character and i’m hideous

This is why I don’t play resto anymore in any content I do not like being forced into incarnation for resto I never have.

it’s to the point that i don’t wear the 4 piece nor incarn because it’s that much of a negative when it comes to having fun playing my character

bears / cats / moonkins can use toys/illusions to hide their forms but incarn can’t be hidden. you also can’t even use toys in PVP content

all around terrible addition to the spec in terms of smoothness in gameplay and the general feel of my character, for the mere fact that there’s not even an OPTION to hide it… is disgraceful