Glyph of Winged Vengeance bugged

As of 10.2, the glyph randomly doesn’t work with crusade. I’ve tried specing back into normal avenging wrath might, removing the glyph and readding it. (Works fine with avenging wrath might) but whenever I use crusade or get a proc from aura of reckoning, it’ll randomly be the new wings animation instead of the one from winged vengeance. Was working fine prior to 10.2.

Bump, still bugged. :frowning:

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Still bugged.

Its 2025 and we still have this problem, is this a joke to them?

still broken

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Bumping again, said it was fixed today with crusade and it still isn’t. When I use wake with radiant glory and crusade, it still only works half the time lol. Guess we got baited again!

After testing it seems to work fine with non-radiant glory/2 minute crusade but when you use radiant glory it bugs out. Zzzz this is so tiring.