Glyph of Stars/Astral Form option for Balance Druid

I’m planning on playing a balance druid for season of discovery, and I would really love to see a return of a glyph of stars equivalent as a cosmetic replacement for moonkin form. As caster DPS I just think it makes more sense to take on an astral form rather than the form of another sapient humanoid, and moonkin form has never been the most visually appealing.

I feel like it would be pretty easy to implement as a rune or maybe as a short class quest for an alternative visual, kinda like how the incubus was added to classic, and I think it would be an easy overall win.


If they add an alternate to moonkin form in the game, I don’t want to see a return of the boring astral form. You should turn into a centaur or something cool


Yeah Moonkin form is why I do not play balance, and I love hybrid caster specs. I absolutely loathe anything that changes my characters looks.


If that was an available option I would be maining Druid.


Glyph of the stars increased the amount of Balance druids for sure. Some people like the look of boomies for the memes but I want to show off my gear. Would love to see a return of that glyph.


Have fun being a chicken.

Without looking I don’t know if you will even get to moonkin form by level 25. I think its quite far down the tree

You get it at 40, it’s the capstone balance ability. Which means this proposed change wouldn’t need to be implemented until phase 2, giving the devs a good amount of time to add it.

id play a druid if they gave perma tree form glyph

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I mean, it is only 3% spell crit. You could always forego it for Nature’s Swiftness and do a 30/0/21 build. Any guild not full of absolute morons would understand (and still clear content just fine).

It’s 3% to everyone in your group. That’s a lot of damage you’d not be providing.

While I agree with the idea that you don’t need to be playing the full min/max game. I struggle to see why you would forgo it for NS when Wrath is free now and spammable.

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The form is definitely a little weird, do any owl beasts in game even really cast spells at you. I just remember them enraging and auto attacking mostly. I wonder why they decided it would be their spell caster form

I think the biggest oddity is that moonkin are intelligent, they build huts and villages and such. It makes sense for druids to be able to shapeshift into the forms of simpler animals, but shape-shifting into another sapient species seems weird to me.

Well ,he specifically hates the form. Just giving him options, he could also do the 37/0/14 that maximizes everything dps wise except for the boomkin.

I don’t hate it, I just think it would be a good idea to give players the option to choose between moonkin and a form that retains the look of their chosen character. Having to shift into a bear to tank makes sense, shifting into a cat to be stealthy makes sense. Shifting into a weird half bear, half chicken to cast better spells, something you’ve been doing since level 1, doesn’t make much sense.

They should make an option at the trainer to change the form you turn into and that should be more than enough. Unless one of the rune slots is all about flavor instead of a new button to press, then it would make sense there as a pseudo-glyph.

But it doesn’t just improve spells, it also improves your armor.

Personally, if it keeps the amount of balance players low, they should keep boom chicken form which looks awesome in my opinion. I’ve always enjoyed playing the least popular, most underrated spec in the game anyway and I’d rather maintain that prestige. You’re a massive bird-beast with antlers. I do think tauren looks way worse though. The good news in classic you don’t stay in one form all the time so you’ll be able to stare at your gear for hours as well if you so desire. This just adds a little variety. Especially in PVP you might not even take that talent. Glyph of stars is very retail and frankly if you don’t like moonkin form you’re not a real druid anyway.

I always liked being able to be a night elf. Good news is you won’t have to worry about it in phase 1.

I used to run it, but now I’d prefer Glyph of Steward.

I need to be a Swolekin.


That sounds like a great idea…like one that gives paladins wings every time they get a vengeance proc, proc the 35% health 20% damage reduction, or use divine sacrifice. I could see lots of cosmetic options for every class/spec.