Glyph of Shadowy Friends not applying to pets

Noticed that after the pre-patch launched, the glyph of shadowy friends no longer appears to apply to any of my pets, despite affecting mounts as it should.

Removing the glyph and reapplying it did not solve this.


My shadow priest is experiencing the same issue. Mounts are shadowy, non-combat pets are not.


Just jumping in to add that this is still a bug. A friend sent me a mini pet as a birthday gift and I specifically switched to this Glyph because I wanted to see Whomper in Shadowform and was disappointed when it didn’t work.


This is still a bug. It is working for mounts, but not showing up on any non-combat pets.


Same here. Works for mounts, not pets. Add it to the pile.


I have been very happy with this bug! I hope that it’s in order to actually make the visual effect on pets look better. It has bothered me since both the glyph’s and shadowform’s visual changes that the shadowform is not only permanently stuck on pets, but that it looks nothing like shadowform when on a priest or as extended to mounts. I haven’t enjoyed having combat pets out on my main in years because it really just looks so terrible. Fingers crossed they update the effect.

I’ve submitted requests/bug reports about the originally ugly appearance and have been hoping this was part of the journey to an update.

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I really want a glyph of original shadow form / there has been quite a few variations in the past 7 years especially / current has been around 4 years
i love voidform too but i wish they would have kept the animation like original legion was
I myself am using talent dark accension in dragonflight because 1min CD alignments ahaha
Also i love you all thank you for confirming that this bug is occurring for you too <3 :frowning:

commenting from my priest now :imp:
:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:
:purple_square: :purple_square: :purple_square:
:purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_circle:

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:smiling_imp: shadow power

Confirming this is not working still as of 12/26/2022

It has been hotfixed as of today, much to my personal disappointment, with no improvement in the graphics quality. :frowning:

As of Jan 13 2023, its still not applying to my pets.

got it back on mine now !!

Updating here, too: I don’t know when or how, but as of today, pets exit shadowform with you!! This is a prayer answered, for sure! Thanks to whichever Blizz dev(s) listened! Still waiting on a graphics quality update, but this finally makes it feel like I can enjoy having a companion pet out with me on adventures!