Glyph of Jab - Turn Tiger Palm into a Weapon Ability

There’s no half wrong about it.

The literal description is “Bare-Knuckle Brawlers” whose “NO-WEAPON” styles where born in ancient Pandaria.

It is the literal class description.

But again I get there are weirdos out there who want to be a NO WEAPON master that somehow uses weapons… So glyph it and nothing more. People want to play a hand to hand combat master… that doesn’t use hand to hand should 100% have to buy a glyph for it.

Or… and hear me out here, they play one of the plenthora of other classes that use weapons.

MoP cinematic trailer features chen stormstout fighting with a staff.

Storm, Earth and Fire has our elemental forms wield weapons.

Taran Zhu also uses a weapon, many monk npcs use weapons.


We also had blackout strike to be like Chen.

Your sef clones only use weapons to auto attack. Likely for animation purposes. But they’re basically the same as us minus auto attack.

Warcraft npcs don’t adhere to class restrictions like we do. Else why can’t I be like tyrande and be a hunter/priest hybrid. Or like Anduin and use swords and plate armor and bows like in the comics.


You have a point, and let me be clear, i like monk for the fistfighting fantasy (wish summons werent mandstory though) as a martial artist myself, but, since the class can already equip weapons, why not provide animation for them? Specially since the game lacks a leather wearing weapon fighter.

At least staff animations I think could work well.

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With the transmog system and such you could easily make a warrior one.

Outlaw rogue too. Hell even demon hunter is closer to that. You can make a melee fighter demon hunter just fine.

I just think I’d rather they focused on the class and making it whole and function better long before they take a look at cosmetic options. I miss blackout strike too. Jab was…. Not as good as you all seem to remember it looking. It looked awkward af, in fact I don’t think I’ve seen the animation since we got it taken away. It looked BAD

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Of course, fixing the class should be priority.

My personal wish list for the class would be.

1 - Improving the class design overall, the mythic raiders and pvp experts and m+ experts that have done all the theorycraft know better this.
2 - Remove the usage (or at least make it optimal with competing talent options) of the celestial summons.
3 - Rework all move animations.
And last.
4 - Include weapon animations as an option.

Though I have to say the animations could improve even if they remain weaponless, specially fists of fury.

Rogues have the constant stealth, poison and gun usage. Demon hunters have all the demonic stuff, warrior is the only option of a pure melee fighter that uses weapons, but they’re plate users, also if you were to dual wield one handers you would have to go suboptimal for SMF, but again, you are right, warrior is the melee weapon class and monk is the unarmed combat class and they should be the main identity.

<In my best Narrator voice>

And with that awkward mentality, they justified removing Tiger Palm so that Monk could Jab.

Anduin is a priest that can wear plate and use a sword… Just because it is in a cinematic doesn’t make it lore.

Tyranda is a priest that uses war glaves…

Just because it is in a video doesn’t change the lore.

Do I need to keep going about how that Chen using a staff in a cinematic is a bad example.

Player monk lore is 100% based on the fact we are hand to hand.

Restricted from using weapons, these Pandarian focused on harnessing their chi, and learning WEAPONLESS combat.


I’m aware of how the monk class started and I also like my fights to be bare knuckle, but the game already let monks equip diverse weapon types, so it makes sense for them to be used as an option.

Also, while the cinematic argument has problem, Chen stormstout is the blueprint of the monk class, and we do get a lot of staves as monks as well.

But again, monks are fistfighters first, them having weapons would just be an extra option, and optional.

I love monk but why am i collecting weopons if im not going to use them, let me use my weopons

I agree with mostly weaponless but let one of our abilities use weapons … and have a glyph to not. Or visa versa.

It’s just a nice asthetic

I think you all are looking at this wrong.

If we can equip weapons the. I would love to see the weapon animation.

However if we are going to press the unarmed monk archetype then remove weapons from us and let us upgrade our fists and include procs, so essentially our fist are our weapons. That way I don’t have to lug around these pointless cosmetic weapons

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I would say, at the very list fist weapons should appear during tigger palm. It is really weird that the fist weapon you have vanishes at this one move in specifix but appear at the others.

Thats like the super bare minimum here.

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Used to be that way back in the day.

“Jab” with a fist weapon gave the tiger palm animation. I guess the mess comes from the fact that of the fist category weapons, you have slashing, stabbing and actual punching styled weapons.

The palm strike from back in the day looked silly with every type of fist weapon. I remember it being particularly jarring with the Molten Fury. So instead of going back and creating new animations for visual accuracy for each type of fist weapon, they just said screw it.

However, with staves and standard melee weapons, I cant think of a single good reason why they can’t give monks a glyph of jab that changes tiger palm into the old jab when using swords maces or staves.

Then monk would need to be dps/hps scaled differently than literally every class in the game. What blizz does now works. We are unarmed but still get the stat buffs from the extra vers mastery crit from carrying those weapons as stat sticks. No different than what a druid deals with. They have the weapons but never use them.

That would be perfect. How do we get them to read this though lol